Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] and [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A furtive junior diplomat bowing and scraping his way out of the interview section of the Lefortovo , ogling the KGB man and thanking him for a fifteen-minute access to a prisoner for whom the key was now thrown far away .
2 ‘ That 's the tie I like , ’ she said , opening one of their two copies of the Washington Post and burying herself behind it .
3 Last December they were instrumental in getting rid of Mr Gaidar and replacing him with one of those industrialists .
4 She waited until it had stalked away before picking up the remains of the Geiger-Muller counter and dropping them into the holdall .
5 It is just a question of sitting down with people like Roy Evans and taking it from there . ’
6 Borland International Inc and WordPerfect Corp are getting together to challenge the Microsoft Corp Microsoft Office with a bundle of their own , bringing together the Windows versions of the Wordperfect word processor , Paradox database and Quattro spreadsheet and offering it as Borland Office at a bargain basement $600 or less .
7 The unintended consequences of the diminished role of the MCC were to erode the very functions of Field Chairs which made the post worthwhile , to make them less informed by removing opportunity for MCC debate and replacing it with reports of MMRC , debates , and to reduce the contribution that fields could make to Modular Course development .
8 Loving both Augustus Egg and Pablo Picasso and visiting them for decades under the same roof , I feel sentimental about tearing them asunder forever .
9 Preliminary identification of the peptide binding to the SSB oligonucleotide was accomplished by synthesising a 5' biotinolyated SSB oligonucleotide and attaching it to magnetic Dynal beads coated with streptavidin .
10 In the ‘ we-reap-as-we-sow ’ category this week there are reports by Computer Reseller News that WordPerfect is now thinking about dusting off its long-standing complaints against Microsoft Corp and turning them into an anti-trust action if the US Federal Trade Commission does n't hop to and litigate .
11 Within a few months many assurances were broken ; there were wistful , unfulfilled hopes of James Edward Stuart landing and asserting himself as King James VII ; and in the House of Lords an attempt by Scottish members to repeal the Act was defeated by only a small majority .
12 For his bravery in rescuing 100 survivors from the frigate HMS Antelope and getting them onto his Royal Marine landing craft , Colour Sgt Johnston was awarded the Queen 's Gallantry Medal posthumously .
13 I mean many people wrote disparagingly about your attempt , your nerve in taking on a gem of the New York stage and turning it into a British directed movie .
14 This government can not prove green credentials simply by moving Nick Ridley and replacing him with Patten , a much better public relations person , the slick following the Nick . ’
15 SunSoft Inc is moving 30 of its software engineers out of its Massachusetts operation and sending them to Sun 's Colorado Springs site where they do R&D , design of high-performance workstations and other special projects .
16 Sarah would not take a flying run , but with John and Nora running and holding her at each side , just catching the fringes of the grass , she had her stately share , too .
17 Sheriff Michael Munro imposed bail conditions forbidding Cowans from going within half a mile of the Timex factory at Harrison Road and preventing him from approaching anyone known or believed by him to be member of the new Timex workforce .
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