Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] put [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The civil rights marches created an opportunity for Ian Paisley to put himself at the head of plebeian Protestant resistance to the civil rights movement .
2 Meanwhile , David Speedie puts himself in the shop window at St Andrews tonight .
3 David Frost put it to the right hon. and learned Gentleman no less than three times that it would be an unfair burden on many people who are not rich if he were to carry out immediately his proposed taxation arrangements to pay for Beckett 's law — the abolition of the upper earnings limit for national insurance contributions and the 50 per cent .
4 David Dorn puts you in the picture
5 As David Lodge put it in the first issue of The Birmingham Magazine :
6 They never looked back after Neil Hodgson put them in the lead after 24 minutes , Joe Peel adding tow more before half time .
7 As the New York Daily News put it on the eve of the ballot : ‘ The Muck Stops Here ! ’
8 All your twenties were on her little list and when Mr Nassim put them in the bank yesterday he got a nasty shock .
9 In the 1470s the closest parallel is to be found in the north midlands , where Hastings ' possession of the key duchy of Lancaster offices put him at the head of the royal connection in the region .
10 In the 1470s the closest parallel is to be found in the north midlands , where Hastings ' possession of the key duchy of Lancaster offices put him at the head of the royal connection in the region .
11 I told Mr Kennedy to put them in the kennels last night .
12 Mrs Wright put it in the vase that she 'd filled with fresh water .
13 As Arthur Koestler put it in The Act of Creation :
14 Did you know that Queen Victoria put him in the same class as Landseer ?
15 At Headingley , David Gower , thirty-three years old , became the youngest player to reach one hundred Test matches — or , as Don Mosey put it on the radio , he reached his hundredth Test in fewer games than anyone else .
16 In particular , a decision on the meaning of a word or phrase in a standard form commercial agreement will generally be followed because , as Lord Denning put it in The Annefield [ 1971 ] P 168 , " Once a court has put a construction on a standard form , commercial men act upon it .
17 With the watery light in imminent danger of failing , we wedged our empty mugs in the sink , dropped the dock lines and took Islander out into Southampton Water to put her to the test .
18 Film of a speeded-up supermarket trip and Clockwork Orange puts us in the mood — a kind of delirium , happy when it pains — and William is our entertainment for the 60-minute duration .
19 Where Macbeth had been concealed or opaque to Duncan , and was thus in a superior position , manipulating him by pretence , we now see Lady Macbeth putting herself in the dominant position , planning to manipulate her husband : Macbeth is now transparent to her , and she to us .
20 MODEL Jerry Hall put herself in the picture when she opened an art show yesterday .
21 As Sir John Simon put it in the Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the City of London 1849–50 , ‘ It is no uncommon thing , in a room of twelve foot square or less , to find three or four families styed together … in the promiscuous intimacy of cattle . ’
22 As Thomas Becon put it in the sixteenth century , it was a ‘ duty of children ’ whose parents were ‘ aged and fallen into poverty , so that they are not able to live of themselves , or to get their living by their own industry and labour ’ , to work and care for them and ‘ provide necessaries for them , ‘ just as in their own childhoods ‘ their parents cared and provided for them . ’
23 John Moncur put it in the back of the net .
24 As Michael Benton puts it in The Importance of Poetry in Children 's Learning : ‘ The development of a methodology that is based upon informed concepts of reading and response rather than upon conventional , narrowly-conceived ideas of comprehension and criticism is now the priority ’ ( p. 150 ) .
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