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1 Tyne Tees managing director Ian Ritchie says the new company will invest £1m in its Middlesbrough studio , creating a new news service for the south of the region .
2 Lord Chief Justice Taylor said a medical report on Indian-born Mrs Ahluwalia had been ‘ overlooked ’ at her trial three years ago .
3 Lord Justice Watkins said the Divisional Court could review an order of the magistrates ' court made for the purpose of preventing an abuse of its process and had done so on a number of occasions .
4 Lord Justice Neill said a substantial award was justified and the High Court jury was entitled to conclude that the publication of the article and its aftermath were a ‘ terrible ordeal ’ for Miss Rantzen .
5 David Lapworth says the new gear box makes the car easier to drive because the driver is able to concentrate on driving rather than worry about gear changes .
6 In the latest incident , Miss Earley said a teenage thug broke in while her grandmother was in the house .
7 Haringey council said a full inquiry had started into the deaths .
8 David Nicholson says the open day is by popular demand and he hopes the fans follow him if he 's successful … the whole day is organised by his wife
9 Jeans salesman David Fish says the correct number should not be hard to remember if 501 wearers simply turn round and examine the big letters printed on their backsides .
10 Group chairman Kneale Ashwell said the deepening world recession had left them with no option but to cut jobs .
11 Assistant Chief Constable David Beattie said a senior officer had already started making inquiries .
12 Becky Blandford says the former drug addict is giving up his reckless life and trying to get to know their young son .
13 Fashion consultant Satpal Jandu said the new style showed a ‘ no-holds-barred ’ approach to fashion by Joe Bloggs — incredibly sexy clothes with a slight hint of sexual deviance and whip-lashing bondage .
14 Old Bailey Judge Neil Denison said the 38-year-old salesman would remain dangerous after his release .
15 Opposition leader Neil Kinnock said the Prime Minister 's past predictions of recovery had been ‘ absurdly wrong ’ .
16 OUP distribution director Neil Killip said the new VAT regime had complicated an already difficult situation .
17 Accommodation officer David Warman said a local advertising campaign produced a good response , but much of the accommodation offered was already rented to students .
18 A DoH spokesman said the new guidance will clarify where inspectors can play a legitimate role .
19 England captain David Platt says the whole team is eager for the game , but admits : ‘ It seems weird , it 's hard to imagine what it will be like with a roof .
20 Yesterday , junior agriculture minister David Curry said the initial assessment was that both the flood warning systems and coastal defences performed well .
21 Andy Mutch says every young lad wants to play in the top league and he is looking forward to it .
22 Officials at Faro Airport said the three-engined plane crashed on its second attempt to land in heavy rain and crosswinds of up to 40mph .
23 Miss Henry said the same thing .
24 But Shadow Health Secretary David Blunkett said the latest rise meant prescription charges had risen 2,100pc since Mrs Thatcher promised to freeze them when she took power .
25 Dr Haritos-Fatouros says the first rule for those selecting potential torturers is : do not hire a sadist .
26 Dr Hendron , speaking after the murder of Sean Hughes ( 40 ) at his Falls Road hairdressing salon yesterday afternoon , Dr Hendron said the Catholic community was ‘ very , very frightened ’ .
27 Dr Baltimore said the same thing — and repeated it in an article published in the summer of 1989 , arguing that ‘ the errors that have been identified in the Cell paper were inconsequential to the conclusions . ’
28 IBM watchers say the pending agreement signals an intention by IBM to offer with in the next two years an asymmetric parallel processing server designed to run mission-critical applications , including CICS programs .
29 Dr Owen said the Welsh Office should re-examine their selection before going to the expense of appointing consulting engineers to draw up detailed designs .
30 Scotland Yard said no further action would be taken against Stagg , who lives at Roehampton less than a mile from the murder scene .
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