Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the Home Secretary Ritchie put it in 1901 , ‘ To get rid of prostitution by legal enactment or by official interposition is out of the question — so long as human nature is what it is you will never entirely get rid of it … ’ , and measures such as the Vagrancy Act , 1824 , and the Metropolitan Police Act of 1839 were designed to regulate public nuisance rather than prostitution itself .
2 May Roberts Rinehart used it to excellent effect in The Circular Staircase .
3 Judge Angus Stroyan sentenced him to 12 months in jail and banned him from driving for two years .
4 It would not be whimsical to suggest that I still go to Arsenal now because of what Swindon did to me then : like a gambler who keeps playing because it is the only way to win back what he has lost , I still feel , somewhere in me , that I am owed for what Ian Ure and Jon Sammels and Bobby Gould put me through that afternoon .
5 Studio head Richard Zanuck paid him between one and two million dollars so that the film could be released that year , with a guarantee to compensate him if the show 's gross takings fell below $60,000 a week for an agreed period .
6 The Flack team restored her to pristine condition as G–FURY , and she made her first flight at Elstree in June 1980 .
7 Judge David Bryant sentenced him to nine months in a young offenders ' institution .
8 Judge David Bryant sentenced him to nine months imprisonment suspended for two years and ordered him to pay £200 costs .
9 Judge Angus Stroyan QC sentenced him to six months imprisonment suspended for 15 months and ordered Gregory , of Bevanlee Road , South Bank , Middlesbrough , to pay £60 costs .
10 ‘ A thin man with fierce blazing eyes behind thick glasses , ’ Rebecca West called him in 1945 , ‘ a tiny fuzz of black hair fancifully arranged on his prematurely bald head , and wrists and ankles as straight as lead piping in their emaciation . ’
11 As the Reverend David Davies put it in 1795 , " depriving the peasantry of all landed property has beggared multitudes " .
12 Mrs. Mounce watched her with discreet curiosity .
13 It was not her first transatlantic flight , as she was in the French team last autumn in Washington , New York and Toronto , where Miss Ledermann rode her into second place in the World Cup round , behind Britain 's Tina Cassan and Genesis .
14 Pedro Almodóvar used him in five films .
15 These ‘ Kitchen Sink ’ painters , as the critic David Sylvester dubbed them in 1954 , owing to their preference for painting not tasteful still lifes but the debris left on the kitchen table or the image of a child being bathed in a sink , enjoyed overnight success .
16 The IRA bomb in Hyde Park left him with twenty serious shrapnel wounds .
17 According to Dr O'Toole , Dr Baltimore told her in 1986 that she could write a letter to Cell about it , but that he would publish a rejoinder .
18 Details are not yet available , but it is possible that Dr Threadneedle turned her into some sort of cyborg death machine . ’
19 Giles Aplin examined it with some interest before consigning it to a buttoned pocket without comment .
20 Meanwhile as my visits to South Africa showed me in such a traumatic and depressing way the conditions of the majority have got worse there 's economic recession lay-offs , high inflation rate and growing violence more people have been killed in South Africa in the last two years than in any previous two years that you look at .
21 Umpire Frank Lee called him on 11 occasions for throwing in England 's only innings and , after the home side had wrapped up the game early , he was again called , in the exhibition match which followed , by the other umpire , Syd Buller , and was forced to complete his only over underarm .
22 It might all have been different had Gooch clung on to either of the two catches Nigel Briers offered him on 26 and 61 .
23 A further humiliation for Bush was the news that maverick Independent Ross Perot headed him in several states .
24 As Alexander Irvine put it in 1694 : it is a Maxim in our Law , " That the King can do no Wrong " ; the Meaning whereof is not , that nothing can be done amiss that he does in point of Government , but whatever there is amiss to it , is not to be imputed to him , but to those by whose Advice and Ministry he acts ; and consequently , that not he , but they are punishable for them .
25 ‘ The gigantic power and influence of the ovaries over the whole animal economy of woman ’ , as Dr Bliss put it in 1870 , meant that women 's constitutions were believed to be inherently unstable throughout the life cycle .
26 It was after Frank Hoddinott joined us in 1923 that Palace fans ( all too briefly ) saw Whitworth at his best .
27 Just as we were about to leave , Frank Dick called me to one side and gave me a blistering reprimand .
28 Chiang Kai-shek built it with forced labour , and dusty antique-model lorries still ply it , driven by young men in white gloves .
29 The leaders of the industry were shocked when Lord Chief Justice Goddard sentenced him to six months imprisonment .
30 Stewart gave the car its first win at Zandvoort , and victories at the Nurburgring , by a staggering four minutes , and at Watkins Glen ensured him of second place in the championship to his former team-mate Hill .
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