Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [is] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 King Edward is now overlord of this northern kingdom . ’
2 Gary Speed is now top of the list for the number of letters sent in asking for signed photos since batty left , closely followed by Macca , Strach and Deane .
3 Erstwhile Sequent Computer Systems Corp president Scott Gibson is now chairman of Adaptive Solutions Inc , a Beaverton , Oregon start-up with a special-purpose parallel processing machine called CNAPS meant for image and speech processing .
4 Well I do n't know because North Yorkshire 's pretty sort of erm er pretty rife as far as black magic is concerned .
5 Thirty six year old Mr Jenkins is currently editor of news and current affairs at Scottish .
6 Thirty six year old Mr Jenkins is currently editor of news and current affairs at Scottish .
7 The Harmondsworth computer is not part of the INDECS operation .
8 Mr Gibbons is also chairman of bottle water company Highland Spring .
9 Mr Judge is currently chairman of Food From Britain , a pressure group aimed at promoting the UK 's producers and farmers .
10 Mr McDowell is also chairman of the Progressive Democrat party .
11 Mr Kidd is also chairman of a working party which reports on the state of hotel fire safety across Europe and reviews the effectiveness of existing EC recommendations .
12 Sir Henry is now head of the Baskerville family ? ’ asked Holmes .
13 And Mr Stephen Dorrell is still Minister of Health .
14 Mr Pierre Berge is now supremo of President Mitterrand 's grandiose project — an auditorium seaing 2,700 ; a smaller salle modulable with from 600 to 1,300 places , a studio with 280 places , rehearsal rooms for dancers and choir , bars and a Tour d'Argent resturant .
15 Interaction with UK Industry is usually part of each programme , and opportunities are increasing to serve on international collaborative research programmes .
16 The minister in charge of the Overseas Development Administration , Mr Chris Patten , is a keen green , and helped to write Mrs Thatcher 's how-green-I-am speech to last year 's Tory party conference .
17 Although Fair Isle is officially part of Shetland , and I had been a keen birdwatcher since I was a boy , I had never had the opportunity to visit the island until I had started to work for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
18 The sole Dino Berlinetta Speciale is now part of the permanent collection of the Le Mans car museum in France , a fitting place for a car that drew its design inspiration from the first mid-engined Ferrari sports racing cars and which shocked the world at Paris more than a quarter of a century ago .
19 Brian Baldock is also chairman of the Lord 's Taverners .
20 ‘ I believe they wired it to a car battery and the body asked if Danie Craven is still President of the South African Rugby Board ’ — UNNAMED SOUTH AFRICAN PLAYER on hearing that a Bronze Age body had been found perfectly preserved in an Alpine glacier .
21 Prof Smith is currently Professor of the History of Art at the University of Michigan and will join St Andrews in January 1994 .
22 ONE OF the doughty pack leaders to emerge in the late 1940's from the Manchester scrum of ‘ palaeomagnetists ’ was S , Keith Runcorn — a former Cambridge engineer with an almost unhealthy liking for the rough and tumble of the rugby field , Keith Runcorn is now professor of physics , and geophysics supremo , at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne — and incidentally the president of the university 's rugby club , To honour Runcorn 's reaching the age of 60 , the university organised earlier this month a three-day conference on ‘ Magnetism , planetary rotation and convection in the Solar System ’ , Since the Second World War , geology has undergone conceptual upheavals as never before , The apparently ludicrous ideas proposed by Alfred Wegener in the 1920s , that the Earth 's continents were drifting around , have found solid ground , The evidence came from physicists inspired by wartime work on radar , by cosmic-ray research and the discovery that some rotating stars have a magnetic field , The physicists set themselves the task of measuring whether rotating bodies on Earth also produce magnetic fields , The eminent Patrick Maynard Blackett devised a highly sensitive magnetometer for this work , but finding that a spinning gold cylinder produced no magnetic field , turned his machine to measuring rock magnetism , A school of expertise concerned with ‘ fossilised magnetism ’ developed around him at Manchester and later at Imperial College , London , The fruits of such work inspired a reappraisal of continental drift and new theories to explain the mechanisms responsible for moving the continents , and later produced the foundations on which were forged the unifying concepts of plate tectonics and seafloor spreading , Runcorn applies an enormous enthusiasm to all that he takes on — as many past students and editors of various science journals can testify , His first notoriety came with his attempts to determine whether the Earth 's general magnetic field was related to the planet 's rotation , or related to some deep-seated phenomenon , To determine this he took his magnetometer down some of the deep Lancashire coal pits .
23 Saddam Hussein is still tyrant of Iraq , butchering human beings as usual .
24 The U.K. event is only part of the Glenlivet European Trophy , which began for the other European branches of Seagram in 1988 .
25 HOWZAT : Huyton opener Keith Jones is out lbw to Chester 's Steve Wundke
26 But with programmes like The Tube , The Media Show and Walkie Talkie behind her , Muriel Gray is now co-presenter with Jimmy Mulville of a new Channel 4 series Just for Laughs , looking behind the scenes at the Montreal Comedy festival .
27 But , more importantly , a Smiths gig is merely part of a night out , something to talk about in the pub afterwards .
28 Ambitious New Yorkers , please note : Northern Ireland is not part of New York city , nor yet of the United States , nor even of South Africa .
29 Eastman Ross is now part of a group with an annual turnover of nearly £6 million , a headquarters and 16 sites , including those in in Glasgow and Edinburgh .
30 John Smith is now part of Courage , although Courage is now called Fosters .
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