Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [conj] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I remember buying a record by Bernard Cribbins and one by the Turtles in a Battle Of The Bands series .
2 Two Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip and one in the West Bank during clashes with the IDF ; over 100 Palestinians were injured .
3 Candidates identified with fundamentalist Islamic groups won six of the 11 contested seats ; four seats were won by candidates with PLO links and one by an independent .
4 Then he asked Dr Mortimer if anyone with a large black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall .
5 And from the glory of this , to being almost arrested in the company of Jeffrey Bernard and myself on the Sydney Harbour Bridge , I suppose must seem an extraordinary downward leap for the Cup .
6 The changes that have been introduced into South Africa forced upon the white minority government by both international pressure but also by the magnificent work at the A N C in Cosatu must be supported as well but we can not treat South Africa as anything but a pariah a , a , a national pariah until we see one person one vote , and a black majority government in South Africa .
7 Right now with manufacturing er in manufacturing , there are economies of scale , huge economies of scale this is why we find look at cars again that Toyota plant in Derby produces all the Toyota Corollas or whatever for the whole world , it 's not just for the U K market alright .
8 ‘ Ginger ’ Hale was driving and Barnes was sitting between Robert Henley and myself in the back seat .
9 Can I suggest that you and/or your staff discuss the matter with Mr Hall and myself as a matter of urgency , so that the new equipment can be installed as soon as possible ?
10 Lennie Lawrence 's side could feature in up to five live televised games at least one on a Monday night and one on a Sunday .
11 Despite being 6-1 up from the home leg , boss Graeme Souness is demanding his players treat this European Cup Winners ' Cup clash with Apollon Limassol as anything but a dead game .
12 Ask her to meet Sir John and me at the Three Cranes tavern in Cheapside .
13 It it does indeed do what Mr said , but there are two other roads into Knaresborough from the Harrogate directi one from the Harrogate direction and one from the south east .
14 Originally a mere footpath through fields , Charles II had decided it was a better route to Hampton Court than one to the North , through the village of Knightsbridge .
15 President Jaime Paz Zamora , claiming that he did not want any confusion between " electoral campaigning and government work " , accepted the resignations of three other ADN ministers and one from the Left Revolutionary Front ( FRI ) .
16 As the saying goes ‘ we clicked ’ and thus began a friendship and correspondence between Ella Shields and me over a period of years until her death in 1952 .
17 Labour had much in common with the old Liberals of the Michael Meadowcroft variety and nothing with the new super-Friedmanism concocted by Ashdown .
18 I mean , why would anybody cover a Monkees song that everybody in the world f—ing knows off by heart and not do a damn thing with it ?
19 The " De missarum mysteriis " of c. 1195 shows Cardinal Lothar as something of a biblical scholar , teasing out meanings from texts that accentuated the pope 's particular primacy as successor to St Peter .
20 I dropped the tape recorder on Old Compton Street and none of the in-depth mumbling came out .
21 It seems this will be used by the DoE to ‘ assess ’ the EC proposals although none of the facts will be available to the public .
22 Muriel Belcher had previously run a club called the Music Box in Leicester Square and which during the war had become a theatrical rendezvous .
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