Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My party consists of Mrs. G. with an attendant a woman who has accompanied Ladies twice to Calcutta , our little boy , two men one as a collector , the other as a servant , and a nephew 14 years old who will settle there ; in the next cabin is a Surgeon with his wife and family .
2 Boxing : Biggs cut out to advance Mason 's career : Ken Jones on the fragility a Briton aims to exploit tonight
3 Deric Baxter , at 79 , found the youthful power of Toby Sykes off the tee a severe handicap and the failure of both Deric and son David to escape from a bunker at the 16th was the final blow .
4 Move along , say , to Greenwich Village at the six-and- a -half mile mark .
5 A similar decision had been made in respect of Uttar Pradesh by the time the poll date was announced in April [ see also above for Haryana ] .
6 Eliot had arrived in South Africa by the time The Cocktail Party opened in New York on 21 January 1950 , at the Henry Miller Theatre .
7 The Commonwealth leaders had , with difficulty , produced a common position on the lifting of sanctions against South Africa by the time the final communiqué came to be agreed on Oct. 21 .
8 The trials , tribulations ( as when Pan Am , TWS and American Airlines all cancelled their Concorde orders on the day the Lockheed SST was announced ) and the triumphs of the design , development and early flight testing are shown in some detail — including air-to-air footage of such one-offs as the BAC 221 test vehicle and the Olympus-engined Vulcan .
9 Cambridge , UK-based Tadpole Technology Plc is to develop and manufacture a notebook computer for IBM Corp using the PowerPC RISC under an agreement the two signed on November 24 .
10 Police intercepted the exchange of the goods on ground near a supermarket in Ellesmere Port on the day the burglary took place .
11 We know in part of this intensive study of the work of anthropologists from Marx 's notes , published by L. Krader under the title The Ethnological Notebooks of Karl Marx [ 1972 ] .
12 ‘ We want to talk to Mr Stewart about the way the 67 men who were made redundant were treated by the company .
13 ‘ We want to talk to Mr Stewart about the way the 67 men who were made redundant were treated by the company .
14 But these rooms were much altered between 1865 and 1868 in a neo-Rococo style that was intended to blend with the 18C Rococo designs of Pacassi for the proposed coronation of Emperor Franz Josef I. In the end the emperor refused the crown of Bohemia deeming it too dangerous to accept it and upset the Hungarians .
15 FROM THE Thames estuary to The Wash a sizeable amount of schools ' cricket is played .
16 Robert Bryan put a shotgun to the neck of poor loser Matthew Hay during a quarrel the next morning .
17 Sam Oxley 's millwright business was taken over by a Mr Wheatcroft in a turn a Mr Thompson took over from him .
18 I commend to the people who want to send Monsignor Kent to the stake the self explanatory activity of the British Nuclear Forum .
19 They had Sir Jonathan on the radio the day of the message saying they 're long on rhetoric and short of substance .
20 Apart from the general problems that relate to the haphazard disposal of such waste , particularly into landfill sites where little effort is made to seal them off , in the United Kingdom as a whole the land around a third of the 100 sites studied by the Department of the Environment was contaminated .
21 Excluded property which is not to be included in the estate of a person ( which means the aggregate of all the property to which that person is beneficially entitled including settled property in which he has an interest in possession ) immediately before his death embraces for CTT purposes : ( a ) settled property situated outside the United Kingdom unless the settlor was domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made ; and ( b ) securities issued by the Treasury subject to the condition that they shall be exempt from taxation while in the beneficial ownership of persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom provided in the case of settled property either that such .
22 Where property comprised in a settlement is situate outside the United Kingdom , the property is excluded property unless the settlor was domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made ( IHTA 1984 , s48(3) ) .
23 In order for settled property to be excluded from inheritance tax it is necessary that the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made and , in addition , it is necessary that at the time of the relevant charge , eg on the death of a life tenant or when a ten year charge occurs if the trust is a discretionary trust or where assets are appointed out of a discretionary trust , the particular trust assets are not located in the United Kingdom .
24 In Re Friends of the Earth the applicants sought review of Minister 's decision to consent to the construction of Sizewell B nuclear generating plant .
25 Harry Chaplin in the chair a very great success .
26 HARMONY IN MY HEAD Brian May I spoke to Brian May on the day the news broke that his guitar had been mistakenly despatched to France by a roadie , to await an uncertain fate at the hands of ‘ lost and found ’ …
27 He would , however , as a self-protective precaution , be back in St Petersburg on the day the assassination took place .
28 Under attack — actress Liz Kennedy at the moment the device exploded in her face .
29 Perrier Pick of the Fringe The provocative South African satirist Peter Dirk Uys ( 9.30pm to 14 Oct ) plus the surreal , but this year more accessible cabaret/theatre duo The Front Lawn ( 11.15 12-14 Oct only ) in the last week of the Edinburgh Festival Perrier panel 's choice of the fringe .
30 ‘ I met that young man Billy Sullivan in the park the other day , ’ Annie said casually , wanting to glean some information about him .
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