Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 Rory had driven up and slipped into her bed like lightning , because he had already cooked up the plan to try and entice Jessica Roberts to go with him to Galway , and needed to sweeten Rosie for another evening 's absence .
2 The description , however , of the restrictive effect of the civil law of libel given by Brennan J. seems to me to be fairly applicable to the civil law of libel of this country .
3 Despite this , I have no qualms about admitting to men of your culture and experience that the demise of Dennis Parsons seemed to me to be jolly desirable .
4 Look , if you do n't mind , I 'll ask Detective Sergeant Burgess to go with you to the mortuary .
5 Architect of the drive towards ‘ People 's Television ’ , Sydney Newman took with him to the BBC his observations on the experiment , which he summed up by saying , ‘ Children of today , who make up part of our vast audience , are well informed and are capable of some pretty sophisticated judgements .
6 I consider that as far as they were concerned Mr. Winterbone appeared to them to be perfectly clear and lucid and that , as was said , he seemed to know what he was doing .
7 On the back of the canvas is an inscription which reads ‘ Portrait of Mr Handel given by him to Thomas Harris Esquire , about 1748 .
8 President Kenyatta asked for it to be translated into Swahili ; and members of his Cabinet paid tribute to its part in bringing a bloodless transition to self-government there .
9 ( 12 ) Any notice required to be given under this Article by the Company to a Member or by a Member to the Company shall be given or served either personally or by sending it by first class post to the registered office of the Company or , as the case may be , to the registered address of the Member or ( if he has no registered address within the United Kingdom ) to the address , if any , within the United Kingdom supplied by him to the Company for the giving of notice to him .
10 ( 12 ) Any notice required to be given under this Article by the Company to a Member or by a Member to the Company shall be given or served either personally or by sending it by first class post to the registered office of the Company or , as the case may be , to the registered address of the Member or ( if he has no registered address within the United Kingdom ) to the address , if any , within the United Kingdom supplied by him to the Company for the giving of notice to him .
11 Talk of the Rector and his unruly family , of her wild Harry 's doings at Oxford , of the poor hunting season it had been , all flowed between her and Aunt Emily and when she rose to go , and Alexandra held out her hand in farewell , Mrs Burrows stalked past her to the door as if she had no more real existence than an armchair .
12 This was apparently one of only two books which Che Guevara carried with him to Bolivia ( the other being an arithmetic textbook ) , and Che told Neruda that he used to read it to the guerrillas in the Sierra Maestra , and presumably in Bolivia as well ( Neruda : 1974 , p. 439 ) .
13 Francis Morgan looked from him to Catherine Crane , obviously hardly knowing what he was doing , in an agony of loss .
14 The Selby approach seems to me to be er look at the land that is allocated which amounts to approximately a hundred hectares in the district and discount a great deal of it because it 's constrained in some way or another , and I 'll come back to those constraints later .
15 Leaving his mate to control the traffic , P.C. Clifford went with her to the parapet of the bridge .
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