Example sentences of "[noun pl] to do [prep] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 What are physiological psychologists to do in the face of these difficulties ?
2 It is true that , for a variety of reasons to do with the structure of wage bargaining in Britain , Keynes did not consider it very likely that money wages would fall , even in the presence of substantial unemployment .
3 Finally , there are the questions to do with the assessment of the course , including any examinations .
4 It also commits the user to more typical theoretical questions to do with the nature of the social structure , its facticity , and so on : many of these instrumental and other theoretical conceptions have proved less than durable .
5 Results of psycholinguistic experiments to do with the intelligibility of words spliced out of context seem to cast doubt on the usefulness of the categorization , however , Lieberman ( 1963 ) found that , the word borrower was recognised by 80% of subjects when isolated from the context , The borrowers were all imprisoned , but was only 45% intelligible in the context Neither a borrower nor a lender be .
6 This meant that issues to do with the representativeness of the sample drawn and interviewed were paramount since the objective was to gain an accurate estimate from the sample of the likely population characteristics .
7 The Institute seems to be rather vaguely organized , as they still have n't been able to tell me what students I am teaching — my teaching , it turns out , does n't start until Monday , but I have heard that an abnormally large number of students have signed up for my course , so I shall have a lot of marking of papers to do at the end of four weeks .
8 Ask what do I expect the nurses to do at the end of the workshop .
9 In contrast , Phase 1 heads , and to a considerable extent Phase 2 heads also , listed gains such as enhanced management , TTT , curriculum review and development , staff development , and others to do with the quality of professional life in the school : improved morale ; increased enthusiasm and vitality ; the sharing of ideas and expertise ; and the collective appraisal of alternative practices .
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