Example sentences of "[noun pl] went [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes went straight to the wicker chair by the window where a baby was just waking from its morning sleep .
2 Coun Jim Skinner ( Lab ) said if the companies went ahead with the boycott there would have to be changes made to the traffic slowing scheme .
3 Footsteps went past in the corridor and then the door to the Governor 's office opened .
4 The buyers went away with the dog , unaware of the aftermath of unhappiness left behind .
5 In Sydney things went well from the start .
6 Apprenticeship was , however , a youth as much as a class phenomenon , and although Horace Walpole might remark of Vauxhall pleasure garden that everybody from " the Duke of Grafton down to children out of the Foundling hospital " went there , an admission fee of 2s 6d a head was a considerable barrier , though some women from the lower orders went there in the way of business .
7 The grindstones went especially to the steel works of Sheffield ( q.v . ) .
8 ( That there were actual preliminary deme elections to determine which names went forward to the ballot is unlikely given that fourth-century Attic oratory , of which a great deal survives , is wholly silent about such elections — although the new Thorikos text , for instance ( p. 111 ) , shows that there were some elections at deme level . )
9 Normally when she came here she and her friends went directly to the restaurant of their choice .
10 The men went all round the house with the scanners and everywhere was radioactive-the kitchen , the bedroom , the bathroom .
11 These two men went directly to the site to place on record the facts of the find and it is from them that we know so much of Hailing Man .
12 Despite the destruction , church services went ahead at the weekend in five churches in Armagh as workmen continued to clear up after the IRA bomb attack on the courthouse .
13 ‘ Are you sure you 're OK , Connie ? ’ he whispered to Connon as the others went ahead through the door .
14 Revenues from Crown lands went increasingly to the Chamber rather than to the Exchequer and money was stored in the Jewel House of the Household .
15 The development of steam engines owed a lot to the tin-mining industry , because as shafts went deeper below the surface , better means of lowering and raising men and ore and pumping out water taxed the brains of engineers .
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