Example sentences of "[noun pl] might be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tenant farmers with a year 's rent arrears might be evicted on a fortnight 's notice .
2 In May , the McNair Committee had reported on the future of teacher training ; late in July the Fleming Report suggested some of the ways in which the Public Schools might be integrated into the national educational system .
3 The co-operation of these voices might be seen as the very essence of critical commentary : to interpret the text while refering to it with varying levels of precision .
4 He also pointed out that the apparently prodigious appetites of the clergy might be explained by the droves of tourists and worshippers who ate at Vatican restaurants .
5 Or royalist subjects might be faced by a fellow subject who argues that the monarch should revive these former powers .
6 On the one hand , the antisemitism of ‘ anti-immigrant ’ fascist parties might be seen as an anachronism , arising from the fact that for a number of years such parties were led by a generation who were raised in conditions of widespread antisemitism .
7 To both men it seemed that a way out for all parties might be found in an international conference , such as that which had settled the Luxembourg question in 1867 .
8 Some of his cartoons show what happens when computers go wrong , but the emphasis is on trivial tasks to which computers might be put in the house and office .
9 Yet in the early months of 1543 , it almost looked as though the complexities might be avoided by a pre-emptive strike by the English which would immediately and radically resolve Scotland 's position .
10 As an example , a partnership of solicitors might be formed with the objective of making profits but with the object of providing legal services .
11 In terms of effects on the supply of work effort , a case against the current system of direct taxes and in favour of a switch towards indirect taxes might be made in the specific cases of poverty and unemployment traps .
12 Any employee at Coniston Mines during the 19th Century would fall into one of two distinct categories : ( 1 ) a dayworker , whose wages were generally based upon a rate of so much per day but which was variable depending upon the degree of skill required , yet at times might be calculated on a piece rate , or , ( 2 ) a miner engaged in winning ore from the stopes , tunnelling , raising , or shaft sinking through rock .
13 They seized the opportunity for independence or at least a new bargain with Moscow — regardless of whatever views might be held by the silent masses .
14 Patterns might be drawn on the surface with an alkaline solution , generally soda , and the stone heated , allowing the solution to penetrate and leave a permanent white design on the surface .
15 If he were to lie flat , associated reactions might be stimulated by the pressure of the couch against the back of his head and upper back .
16 It is not clear , however , how profiles might be compared for the purpose of evaluation .
17 Otherwise , he argued , many Germans might be seduced by the lure of a neutral , but unified Germany which would inevitably be susceptible to Soviet influence .
18 There is a particular danger that national competition policies might be used in a protectionist or promotional manner as described above to give advantage to domestic producers .
19 In this view , teaching materials are to be seen as hypothetical constructs , models or exemplars of abstract principles from which actual instances of pedagogic activities might be developed in the light of particular classroom conditions .
20 The shorter prologue of Lex Salica states that With God 's help it pleased the Franks and their nobility and they agreed that they ought to prohibit all escalations of quarrels for the preservation of enthusiasm for peace among themselves ; and because they excelled other neighbouring peoples by force of arms , so they should excel them in legal authority , with the result that criminal cases might be concluded in a manner appropriate to the type of complaint .
21 One experienced judicial official commented that evidence in cattle stealing cases might be recorded on a stereotyped printed form to be used by judges and magistrates .
22 For he will realize that if this technique became popular , people who might benefit from new , forward-looking rules would lose their incentive to bring to court novel cases in which these new rules might be announced for the future .
23 It was suggested that the caravan dwellers might be hoping for a house on the new Greenstiles development , but Medstead housing group chairman , David Winter , felt it unlikely .
24 As potential functional weaknesses emerge during the design appraisal further consideration is given to what functions might be allocated to the man or machine to provide greater mutual support .
25 In the second case , another pass through the camera can fill the remaining space or part of it ( three to six passes might be required for a multi-image effect ) .
26 High-ranking officers , notably Hamilton himself , estimated that as many as 50,000 lives might be lost in the operations : in the event every surviving man was taken safely away .
27 But whatever criticisms might be directed at the Japanese judgment , it remains important as the one case in which a court has ruled on the legality of actual use of nuclear weapons .
28 The possibility that the amount of the bills might be reduced on a taxation which has still not been initiated is not a sufficient reason in this case for setting aside the demand .
29 KLM 's share of the $3.65bn buyout is considerably smaller than BA 's $750m participation in United , but some analysts have suggested regulators might be swayed by the fact that the airline 's staff will control the company .
30 We can suppose , however , that associations might be formed between the stimulus and the context in which it is presented .
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