Example sentences of "[noun pl] might [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If , however , the mantle itself is divided into two convecting layers , plumes might rise from the internal boundary between them , perhaps the seismic discontinuity at 660 km depth .
2 Poor typing skills might account for the jumping capitals but the shift of the machine could be at fault .
3 Figure 5.19 illustrates some of the routes that school leavers might follow through the main institutions offering further and higher education .
4 Many new circumstances might account for the new relationship — the movement of married women into the work-force , unprecedented economic security , the decline of religious feeling .
5 First , because of membership of the EMS , wage-bargainers and price-setters in other countries may take particular notice of the DM exchange rate and inflationary trends ( if any ) in the Federal Republic ; second , over a period of time , wage and price responses in other countries might evolve towards the German norm ; third , it may simply be that in a period when for fundamental social and political reasons the control of inflation came to assume dominance in policy-making , policy-makers found it a useful discipline to conduct their fiscal and monetary affairs in such a way as to stabilise the exchange rate against the DM .
6 Nevertheless , if a good sleep is imperative , say before an important meeting , then a short-acting hypnotic might be helpful ( it needs to be short-acting or its effects might last into the next waking period ) .
7 If it is difficult now to concur with the Bioscope reviewer 's judgement that the film ‘ surpasses in technical achievement anything of its kind ever made in Britain , and at times soars to heights of directorial brilliance ’ , it 's still possible to understand how an audience that had been accustomed only to silent films might warm to the various acts on display .
8 Also now and then someone at one of the two tables might look at the other table with a sneer or an ugly remark .
9 That special type of case was broadly one where the acts of an intruder , however continuous and far-reaching , did not substantially interfere with any plans which the owners might have for the future use of undeveloped land …
10 Conditions might mature in the near future .
11 A study of books published in America about public relations will prove very useful to you as you consider the direction your career in public relations might take in the longer term .
12 In 1989 the same committee suggested that a possible slight shortage of doctors might occur by the first decade of the twenty first century .
13 So a Pacific as defined by such minds might fall within the appropriate longitudes and latitudes , but it would be riddled with holes , a discontinuous mess , a collection of unconnected pieces of sea and land established principally to prove an argument about an entity of which they make up only a fraction .
14 Assuming that the 20 per cent of pupils outside the TGAT 's expectations were equally divided above and below the ‘ normal ’ range , then 10 per cent of 5 to 16 year olds might fall below the required levels .
15 Other navies might stick to the old tactics of trying to board enemy ships and capture them , or concentrate on firing at the masts and rigging in the hope that successful shooting would disable the other side , but the English preferred to shoot into the hulls of their enemies because they knew that with enough time and enough shot they would destroy their opponents .
16 The papers might talk about the swinging sixties but the nearest most girls of Maura 's age got to it was in the clothes they wore .
17 Furthermore , it gave the English a door into France : soldiers might land on the Breton peninsula on their way into the interior of France , and the possibility of a more co-ordinated attack from different directions came a step nearer .
18 Indeed , the French press has produced the dangerous illusion in Lebanon that French soldiers might land in the Christian enclave to protect the Maronites .
19 In many cases the two contentions might lead to the same result , but not in the present case .
20 On this basis , over 600 jobs might disappear in the longer term . ’
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