Example sentences of "[noun pl] can be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 A further 5,000 unfamiliar words can be added to the system , along with up to 99 standard paragraphs that can be called in as required .
2 Words which fall into the open class are those which are potentially unlimited in number because new words can be added to the language as the need arises .
3 The command of these units can be assigned to the Supreme High Command of the Soviet Armed Forces , with representation of the Supreme High Commands of the allied countries .
4 The overall aim is to establish a practical knowledge of management methods for use with young children who present behaviour or management problems , and to provide training in how these methods can be transmitted to the primary managers — parents .
5 Hence the pull-out torque for one-phase.on operation of the three.phase motor is simply the average of 7A over this interval : Similar methods can be applied to the calculation of pull-out torque for other excitation schemes .
6 Entries can be made to the parish council offices or to Doug Ineson in Marske telephone Redcar 481877 .
7 I hear what my hon. Friend says and we shall see whether more opportunities can be given to the RNR to train with the regular Navy .
8 Both of these designs can be dated to the fourth century , ( Morley-Hewitt 1969 , 2 ) and so might be contemporary with the northern sequence ( see section 3.2 pp. 85-86 ) .
9 In this way , legislative bounds can be set to the common law principle , as Mr. Glick insists that they should .
10 ( a ) Planning with ‘ precise ’ goals can be likened to the Tour de France in which the participants aim for A , move on to B and so on until the end is reached .
11 ( Weights can be attached to the waist to make the dips much harder . )
12 For example ideas about more homely living environments can be traced to the early part of this century ( Roosens , 1979 ) , a concern with nature and form of assessment harks back to the Charity Organisation Society ( Sainsbury , 1989 ) , co-ordination of care was stressed in the Seebohm report and has featured in most subsequent discussions ( Cmnd. 3703 ; DHSS , 1982 ) and the need for planned hospital discharge has featured in critiques of the mental health services ( Cmnd. 6244 ; Jones , 1988 ) .
13 You can now hang the new radiator on its brackets , and check that the old valves can be connected to the valve tails .
14 It 's easily worked , and feet can be attached to the bottom in several ways .
15 I have had further discussions with the Regional Solicitor on the scope for using legal agreements to ensure that the safeguarded areas can be transferred to the Regional Council as and when required .
16 The greater incidence of digestion on maxillary incisors can be attributed to the greater breakage of the maxillae .
17 Despite anecdotal reports of serious bugs in Microsoft Corp 's new MS-DOS 6.0 , PC Week Labs says it has been unable to reproduce in a controlled laboratory environment any of the data-threatening errors specifically attributed to MS-DOS 6.0 or its DoubleSpace component , adding that it believes that many of the reported data-destroying errors can be attributed to the sudden introduction of SMARTDRV , the MS-DOS and Windows cache program , onto previously uncached systems — SMARTDRV caches disk writes , and any sudden power-down can cause unrecoverable file and disk errors — but be that as it may , Microsoft is taking the reports of data loss sufficiently seriously that it has pledged to do whatever it takes to track down and purge any serious flaws , although it has found none , and InfoWorld reported it found several problems , including one in the DoubleSpace data compression — but Microsoft said two of its engineers looked into but could not replicate the problems InfoWorld saw .
18 Both effects can be traced to the compound capsaicin , which is now creating a great deal of interest in the neurophysiological as well as the culinary community .
19 It would appear that this closure and the consequent employment effects can be attributed to the government 's failure to sanction the deal with Leyland Vehicles earlier in the year , as a result of the political pressure imposed .
20 Donations can be made to the Dolphin Research Project c/o Windsor Safari Park , Windsor , Berkshire SL4 4AY .
21 Financial donations can be sent to the same address , with cheques payable to ‘ The Courtauld Institute of Art Fund ’ .
22 Treasury bills can be issued to the public in two ways .
23 Assorted plastic bottles can be cut to the appropriate size .
24 As an alternative to ruled horizontal lines , any subtotals in columns can be offset to the right a little to assist the reader to focus on them or discard them as required .
25 For example , the mixed representation of a brief account , , will be parsed into agree the count , because the first four phonemes can be matched to the long word agree and because there is a possible parsing into words of the remaining phonemes .
26 Any contributions can be sent to the address below .
27 Video messages can be recorded to the hard disk and forwarded via the Unix mail subsystem to parties who can not attend conferences .
28 Video messages can be recorded to the hard disk and forwarded via the Unix mail subsystem to parties who can not attend conferences .
29 It is important that we decide the matter quickly because , if we do so , the bogus applicants can be returned to the countries from which they came .
30 The factories can be reported to the pollution inspectorate if unacceptable levels of pollution are found .
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