Example sentences of "[noun pl] who were [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Readers who were detecting in the late 1970s and 1980s will remember the range of excellent specialist diggers designed and manufactured by Buffallo Tools of Rayleigh in Essex .
2 Dr Pamela Horn has estimated that about a fifth of the Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire lacemakers who were recorded in the 1851 census were under the age of fifteen .
3 After a hesitant start , the other leftwing and progressive parties who were defeated in the first round have joined Mr Da Silva 's campaign , along with the Socialist and Communist parties , which already supported him in the Popular Front coalition .
4 Men from the British cruisers London and Curlew protected the foreigners who were concentrated in the neutral zone of the Hotels Reid 's , Atlantic and Savoy .
5 Marie turned , hearing noises behind her , then broke into a smile , bowing to the two elderly gentlemen who were passing in the corridor .
6 I myself have a sister with two sons who were martyred in the war …
7 The same applies to the so called accident to two Hungarians who were drowned in the Danube .
8 Fire fighters from across the country have been paying tribute to airmen who were killed in the second world war .
9 Over 100 of those killed were paramilitary gendarmes who were stationed in the area to counter Kurdish guerrilla activity .
10 More useful is my enumeration of persons who were listed in the Hue and Cry , a biweekly bulletin published by the police .
11 Bagehot exaggerated when he described the middle classes as " the despotic power in England " but there is no doubt that the balance of power tilted away from the large landowners that dominated the House of Lords and towards the industrialists who were represented in the House of Commons .
12 As I was sending a copy of the new book to all those slimmers who were mentioned in the Complete Hip and Thigh Diet , I decided to include with it a second questionnaire .
13 Despite the failure of the bill to give effect to the committee , Garway was one of the government 's critics who were included in the royal commission on public accounts appointed during the following prorogation .
14 There was my elder half-brother Trevor and my two older sisters Lisa and Lorraine and me , and there were also three cousins who were left in the same way .
15 The two girls who were travelling in the car were both taken to hospital .
16 Among the mayors who were killed in the run-up to the November 1989 municipal elections [ see p. 37039 ] was the left-wing mayor of Ayacucho , Fermín Azparrent , who was shot dead at his home on Sept. 19 .
17 for this longer-term analysis we have taken those panel members who were interviewed in the Mid-Term Wave ( April-May 1986 ) , the Pre-Campaign Wave ( March-April 1987 ) , and the Post-Election Wave ( June 1987 ) .
18 No doubt there were also older men who were farming in the township , but most farms were smallholdings and their occupants were usually described by their craft names .
19 The poem was n't written to give a realistic account of war but to glorify those men who were killed in the war , to give some comfort to their friends and relatives .
20 Nor , even if full-time , did they typically do the same type or level of paid work as that performed by the men who were included in the employers ' pension schemes .
21 He wrote it for the young men who were dying in the war , but the words may offer a little comfort .
22 I had read stories about travellers who were lost in the snow .
23 One social services source told Sunday Life : ‘ The RUC was given all the names of boys who were placed in the home between 1981 and 1983 and they are trying to track them all down .
24 Ralph Bryant read out the hundred and seventh psalm the following Sunday at the morning service in St Saviour 's , and the congregation listened with rapt attention to those words which applied so directly to the men and boys who were to sail in the Russell that day :
25 I think the persons who helped me most were the professional actors who were playing in the West End and came to us as teachers during the day .
26 A parliamentary campaign has been launched to officially pardon hundreds of British soldiers who were executed in the First World War for desertion and cowardice .
27 A bill to grant posthumous pardons to all three hundred and seven British soldiers who were executed in the first world war , has gained a formal first reading in the house of commons .
28 Those who were safely beached on the shore of prosperity had the option of giving the credit to Providence , or arrogating it to themselves ; as they regarded those less fortunate ones who were struggling in the water , they could see them as victims of their own improvidence or of God 's ineluctable decree .
29 The male inmates who were accommodated in the House would be better off in a more suitable institution .
30 Their influence is apparent in the work of the anthropologists who were working in the period between the two world wars .
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