Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 You have friends who know you for the man you are , and do not have to conceal your TRUE NATURE .
32 Two of the players who beat them in the Dunhill Cup final carry England 's hopes .
33 One of the problems with the streamed situation was that those pupils who found themselves in the bottom streams , who found that they were perhaps not regarded so highly , or so positively by their teachers , tended to respond with misbehaviour in their classes with occasionally vandalism around the school and a generally a negative attitude towards the school and their teachers in general .
34 One of the problems with the stream situation was that those pupils who found themselves in the bottom streams , who found that they were perhaps not regarded so highly or so positively by their teachers , tended to respond with misbehaviour in their classes , with occasionally vandalism around the school and generally a negative attitude towards the school and their teachers in general , and the immediate effect of the mixed ability grouping was to eradicate behavioural problems of that kind almost entirely .
35 It became clear to me at Blackpool that there was considerable support for Alec , partly because he made a good speech on foreign policy , partly because he took the chair at my meeting in his capacity as President of the National Union , and partly because of lobbying by back-benchers who saw him as the best compromise candidate .
36 We were all absolutely fagged out , and promptly dropped off to sleep at 4 a.m. , only to be caught later by some children who betrayed us to the patrols .
37 Thanks also to the kind young woman with two young children who helped me on the train and gave me an orange drink .
38 As they travelled west , along the same route that the young cadet had come , they met travellers who told them of the horrors of the revolution .
39 I grew up among the kind of communists and socialists who guided him into the working-class communities and who staff some of their struggles .
40 In 1983 , for example , Gallup found that of voters who placed themselves on the political left and right , 22 per cent placed themselves at various ranges of the left end of the scale ( from ‘ far ’ to ‘ slightly ’ left ) , 51 per cent placed themselves on the right , and 13 per cent regarded themselves as middle of the road .
41 And if he did not give the people , the sherpas who guided him through the terrain of industrial England , their own voice , the journey gave him a voice of his own .
42 This was " Bugisville " all right , and our arrival was accompanied by the usual howling horde of kids and adults who jostled us up the steps to the house of the Bupati , the government-appointed chief , where we had arrived to pay our respects .
43 Children benefit also from more than usually grammatical speech from adults who address them in the early stages in a fashion tailored to their learning needs .
44 The second revolution was accompanied in the borderlands by violence , plundering , exactions and the establishment of a dictatorial regime … in the past , a small group of Tsarist bureaucrats oppressed them ; today , the same group of people or others who cloak themselves in the name of the Bolsheviks perpetuate in the borderlands the same regime .
45 Like the dozens of blue uniformed Serbs , who hold the high ground around outlying Serbian villages to the east of Sarajevo , the bands of Muslims who greeted me on the other side with loud applause expected I would somehow provide aid .
46 As one person put it , ‘ The only ones who knew me from the time I was born have gone , and it 's almost as if that period in my life is less real now that there is no one left alive who shared it with me . ’
47 We will be dealing with all of those existing clients in terms of reassessing both their care needs and their financial ability to contribute to whatever package of care they 're getting , as well as taking on board all the new ones who present themselves for the first time in nineteen ninety four , five .
48 Next Wednesday , 11 women who made it to the top will speak on success and motivation for women at Women Who Win , a major conference at London 's Institute of Directors ( for details ring 071 839 1233 ) .
49 The Women 's Industrial Council ( a group of primarily middle class women who devoted themselves to the investigation of working women 's problems ) went so far as to suggest that such a form of provision was inappropriate for women and merely intensified the ‘ regrettable tendency to consider the work of a wife and mother in her home of no money value ’ .
50 The case of the chainmaking trade was particularly acute because of the large numbers of women who entered it during the late 1870s from nailmaking .
51 Women who consecrated themselves to the goddess in like manner cut off one or both breasts .
52 Its whereabouts remained unknown until it was consigned at auction by a private collector in Spring 1990 , and bought by collectors who gave it to the Metropolitan .
53 It has turned into the longest slump since the 1930s because real interest rates have remained punitively high , squeezing millions of home-owners who over-reached themselves in the housing boom .
54 While he was exploring the river he was attacked by a group of Indian women warriors who reminded him of the Amazons ( female warriors who appear in ancient Greek myths ) .
55 One of the Tory MPs who supported him for the leadership of the party in 1990 told me that Michael Heseltine no longer had a political future .
56 Firemen who pulled him from the inferno looked on anxiously as off-duty technician James McDonald tried to revive him .
57 Among the wildest of the ecstatics who float themselves on the spontaneous , comparable only with the poet , lover or mystic , is the man of reason possessed by a new insight .
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