Example sentences of "[noun pl] has [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The establishment of sickle cell centres in many cities has led to increased awareness of the condition and greatly improved care for sufferers , and much of the credit for this must go to the dedicated nurses , health visitors and counsellors involved .
2 This is the more necessary , the Commission believes , at a time when the bias in schools has shifted towards instrumental music and composition , although a fair number of state secondary and senior independent schools continue to maintain a strong tradition of choral singing .
3 Our range of reverse osmosis units has met with considerable interest and just proves that it is no good trying to adapt unsuitable systems to the fishkeeper — they need and deserve purpose-built items .
4 The report says : ‘ Involvement in all these areas has met with great success and has been greatly appreciated by the recipients .
5 As the record shows , the preference given to large companies and the support they receive from their bankers has led to rapid growth in output with consequent effects on the profits of banks and their leading customers .
6 The academic book market is already in decline with the erosion of student grants ; the spending on schoolbooks and on libraries has suffered in public spending cutbacks , and consumer cash in the current recession is clearly not plentiful .
7 Research over the last sixty years has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that , for many people , unemployment is responsible for deterioration in mental and physical health .
8 It was abandoned when the new church was built in 1909 and in less than severity years has fallen into complete ruin — a good indication of how severe the Dales weather can be and how quickly buildings succumb to its assault .
9 PANAMA is the latest in a series of rogue regimes , the menacing state of whose internal affairs has led to armed intervention by other countries — and to an unresolved international tangle about the legality of such action .
10 Although none of the aquariums used are lit , rocks are placed in them which have a generous growth of algae on them , and are changed once the algae has gone through constant grazing .
11 If the experience of the National Bus Company , which was privatised in England is taken as a model , we can be sure that privatised subsidiary companies will not index-link future pension rights for their employees in the way that TOPS has done for Scottish Transport Group employees .
12 If the experience of the National Bus Company , which was privatised in England is taken as a model , we can be sure that privatised subsidiary companies will not index-link future pension rights for their employees in the way that TOPS has done for Scottish Transport Group employees .
13 A study by an independent team of scientists carried out at the government 's request , has concluded that vast areas of natural habitats have been degraded , while the construction of 3,000 km of cattle fences has interfered with essential wildlife migration routes between protected areas such as the Kalahari , Okavango swamplands and northern grasslands .
14 First , dispersal of shareholdings has led to effective control over the company being ceded to management .
15 The practice of cutting wood for cooking fires has led to substantial deforestation and resultant soil erosion .
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