Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [be] [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 A call by the Federation of Niger Trade Unions ( USTN ) for a general strike " in defence of democracy " was widely observed on March 2 but was called off on March 3 following government pledges that no political concessions would be made to the mutineers .
2 On May 15 the Kurdistan Front said that it was not possible at present to issue a list allowing Turkoman inhabitants of the region to elect candidates but that " at the first available opportunity " Turkoman candidates would be elected to the National Assembly .
3 One of the critics of the Touche Ross report , Professor Arthur Midwinter , of the department of politics at Strathclyde University , said last night that it now looked as if the scope for savings would be narrowed to the point where it had to be asked whether it was worthwhile proceeding with the reforms .
4 Everything seemed to be settled when Taiwanese and Indonesian officials agreed that the animals would be sent to the orang-utan rehabilitation centre run by Dr Galdikas at Tanjung Puting in Kalimantan ; and in November 1990 , they were seen off at the airport by BBC cameras , reporters from around the world and a hundred singing Taiwanese children .
5 If Labour won , however , he could not say how long she would continue to suffer , since the practice 's funds would be transferred to the local health authority and some sort of delay-inducing chaos would ensue .
6 The Recorder held that since the bottles would be returned to the company , the defendants did not intend to treat the bottles as their own to dispose of regardless of the company 's rights .
7 It was argued that many disputes which were previously resolved by headmen would be taken to the new courts .
8 Now , the question for parishes would th they would n't be abolished , the , the question is , how much additional powers and responsibilities would be devolved to the parishes , and that 's the question .
9 By the side of her bed there was a card , embossed with the Queen 's cypher , giving the times of meals and table placements as well as a note saying how the various guests would be conveyed to the racecourse , either in open carriages or black Daimler saloons .
10 He denied that Soviet immigrants would be directed to the new homes , but said that the settlements were essential to provide Israel with " strategic depth " .
11 The agency 's special envoy , Jose Maria Mendiluce , told a news conference that convoys protected by UN peace keeping troops would be sent to the area next week , whether Serbs besieging Muslims towns and villages agreed or not .
12 Peter Brooke , the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , said no major changes would be made to the UDR , in spite of the demands from the Irish government for a thorough review of its role .
13 The Colorado majority in the December elections was expected to guarantee that no changes would be made to the new law .
14 The operators would ask questions and a wooden tripod on wheels would be guided to the correct answer .
15 The better-structured , more competitive farmers would be thrown to the wolves .
16 In theory , parties were free to frame their own transactions , which could then be carried out without legal impediment ; in the event that a bargain fell through , or if one party balked or proved unable to perform , the law of contract made freely available the regular judicial processes of the court system , in which economic damages would be awarded to the party aggrieved .
17 Equivalent sums would be credited to the enterprises ' bank accounts , subject to verification that the money had been earned legally .
18 Leads would be attached to the pin and the case of the watch .
19 The preservation of the basic Ulster divide of Protestant and Catholic into the age of nationalism ensured that competing political ideologies would be added to the religious and ethnic divisions : the Irish Catholics became nationalists while the Scots Presbyterians and the Anglo-Irish drew together as unionists .
20 The work would be carried out on the understanding that the resulting products would be returned to the country of origin .
21 The shop stewards also decided that all accident and emergency cases would be taken to the nearest accident and emergency department .
22 The two other bases , at Athens airport and at Nea Makri north-east of Athens , were to be closed but some of their facilities and operations would be transferred to the remaining bases and auxiliary installations .
23 The proposal for monitoring by silent , closed-circuit television cameras , he said , would be implemented as recommended , but the one to allow a prisoner the right to consult a solicitor every forty-eight hours would be curtailed to the extent that ‘ where it is thought necessary ’ a senior police officer would be present .
24 Heseltine informed parliament that only 10 nonviable pits were to be closed immediately , that decisions on the other mines would be deferred to the beginning of 1993 , and that Lord Walker of Worcester , a former senior Cabinet minister , would advise the government on examination of the issue .
25 ‘ See , ’ the girl said proudly , ‘ these flowers made of gems , I created the pattern for them and designed the slippers in such a way that the amethysts would be shown to the best advantage . ’
26 Like all good Home Guarders a great deal of effort was made to arrive at the Five Bells , our unofficial H.Q. which was then being run by Mrs Friar , her husband Bill being away on service with the Navy , and a common joke of the day was " If the Jerries landed the Five Bells would be defended to the last half pint " .
27 If full employment were to be achieved the economy would suck in imports and exports would be diverted to the domestic market .
28 Under such circumstances , one might predict that implicit critical themes would be brought to the explicit surface of debate , and the royalists ' arguments would draw upon anti-royalist traditions of rhetoric .
29 As an independent small library , all such decisions would be submitted to the library committee for consideration if they involved expenditure or day release implications ’ …
30 On Dec. 26 , in an address to the nation , Ukrainian Premier Leonid Kuchma announced that direct payments would be made to the poorest members of society to protect them against the worst effects of the price rises .
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