Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [vb infin] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 British Waterways would charge for the service , as they do at Gloucester .
2 The formal incantation of such words would suffice for the tribunal to remain within the scope of its authority .
3 As I have explained , in such a case the adoption of the literal meaning of the statutory words would lead to a result whereby the taxpayer is assessed at an amount greater than that charged by the employer to the public for the same service .
4 Willie Learmouth the session clerk came by today for the Intimations and he 's an awful nice man , one of Nature 's Gentlemen , went to Allan Glen 's when that meant something , his wife 's got a plastic hip but you never hear him complain , anyway he sat down to a wee cup of tea and naturally he could not resist my all butter shortbread ‘ Nettie , ’ says he , ‘ your petticoat tails would melt in a man 's mouth . ’
5 ‘ Frankly , ’ he snapped , ‘ if I had my way those lists would go into the dustbin , the lot of them .
6 These trips would proceed on the basis that Richard Branson 's lack of musical expertise was less of a liability than Simon Draper 's lack of salesmanship .
7 Few of the British contenders would figure on the US list , which is topped by an entrepreneur with a fortune of more than £250 million .
8 However , Ewan Marwick , chief executive of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce , said he was sceptical about the effectiveness of the scheme and questioned whether hard-pressed traders would respond to the cash plea .
9 On the one hand , the barons were confident that few clergy would rally to the support of Edward II .
10 These singularities would occur in the past at the beginning of the present expansion of the universe ( the big bang ) , and in the future in the gravitational collapse of stars and , possibly , of the universe itself .
11 The Italian Foreign Minister , Gianni De Michelis , announced that eight Tornado fighters would depart for the Gulf that day .
12 The justification for this practice was that the dealer who could do business with such clients would thrive in the dealing room proper where he stood a chance of getting reasonable leads .
13 The ability of the state to resolve these crises would depend on the states ability to raise revenue and mobilise public support .
14 The next time she saw him , she would give him such a tongue-lashing that his ears would ring for a week !
15 A sceptic wishing to challenge our belief in the existence of re-identifiable objective particulars in space and time , it is argued , can not present his case coherently , for his doubts would amount to a rejection of the whole conceptual scheme within which alone such doubts make sense " .
16 The postwar generation , unschooled in the brutality of hardships of war and reconstruction , compares its lot with that of West Germans , with double their standard of living , rather than with their neighbours to the East , to whom the mountains of sausages and pigs ' trotters in butchers ' shops would seem like a dream come true .
17 These farmers had no money for improving agricultural methods and no motivation either because they realised that ‘ however beneficial any methods of agricultural technology were in the abstract , the benefits reaped from the improved methods would go to the money lender and not the tiller ’ ( Mamdani , The Myth of Population Control ) .
18 Mr Salmond argued that each of the three opposition parties would vote with the Government during the passage of the Maastricht Bill , and warned against ‘ walking out in the huff ’ at every disagreement .
19 Differences over the political future of Civic Forum deepened , and it was agreed in February 1991 [ see p. 38017 ] that two separate political parties would emerge from the umbrella organization of Civic Forum : the Civic Democratic Party ( Klaus ' wing ) and Civic Movement ( consisting of many of President Havel 's closest associates such as Dienstbier and Pithart ) .
20 English non-conformist manufacturers would transfer to the Church of England , and in the north of France the ‘ barely concealed Voltaireanism ’ of before 1850 turned into increasingly fervent Catholicism after 1870 . ’
21 There are many reasons why , in the early nineteenth century , different considerations would intrude on the modelling of a dissected female body rather than that of a male , but one conclusion we could draw from these figures is that the human norm is male , and the only reason to look at female bodies is for that which makes them female , i.e. the reproductive system .
22 His composure would vanish , his grey eyes would shift around the room and , muttering something about antibiotics , he would disappear to the other end of the room , where some hours later he would be discovered at some local worthy 's side , discussing parking problems at Waitrose with the quiet authority of a great physician .
23 Sometimes he 'd sit and look at it , and his eyes would sting with the tears of despair .
24 At six p.m. we would call Mr Singh to take us to swim in one of the hotel pools or maybe to wander among the old tombs in the Lodhi Gardens ; as we passed , black bats would flit through the ruins like departed spirits .
25 The UN predicts that a reduction of 30 per cent in the commercial debts of the 15 most indebted developing nations would result in a 25-per-cent increase in their national incomes over the next five years .
26 In addition , the economies of the most advanced capitalist nations would advance to a point where any further development of production would be held back by the crises of capitalism and by the desire to produce for profit rather than the general good .
27 If such a continuation is possible , this would indicate that the waves would continue through the horizon until they finally end in a curvature singularity at .
28 How many Labour supporters would vote for a ban on fishing ?
29 There had been threats that Pasok supporters would take to the streets in mass protest in the event of a guilty verdict against their leader .
30 About whose Spitting Image puppet did the programme 's producer complain ‘ only nutters would complain about the puppet ’ ?
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