Example sentences of "[noun pl] have been [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 A number of remedies have been added to the materia medica including the bowel nosodes which were first discovered by Dr Edward Bach and later added to by Dr John Paterson .
2 Built in 1540 , these lovely red-brick stables have been loaned to the Horse Rangers by grace and favour since 1964 , and could not have a better tenant than this exclusive voluntary organisation — exclusive that is to children who do not have their own horses and ponies .
3 At this stage , with acceleration complete , three clock pulses have been deleted , but all the pulses have been sent to the downcounter , which therefore records a position three steps nearer to the target than the actual motor position .
4 A range of methods have been applied to the recognition of printed characters , or unconnected handwriting , especially for oriental alphabets as well as for English .
5 In many cases candidates have been attracted to the search business through being in contact with a search firm while discussing an assignment they are handling .
6 Numerous labels have been attached to the political system which Ivan the Great bequeathed to Muscovy at the beginning of the sixteenth century — oriental despotism ( Plekhanov , Szamuely ) , patrimonial monarchy ( Pipes ) , estate-representative monarchy ( Cherepnin ) .
7 As a result of the dispute in the Republic of Ireland last year and the recent difficulties in Britain many members ' eyes have been opened to the harsh realities of industrial relations in Banking .
8 Since before the war animals have been going to the surgery for treatment .
9 Whole books have been devoted to the topic of sensitivity analysis in linear programming , and in one chapter we can do little more than indicate basic themes .
10 An additional difficulty arises when special needs children are taken onto the roll of a primary school before appropriate adaptations have been made to the school building .
11 All other departments will check that charging vouchers have been forwarded to the billing office for entry on the guest 's folio ( Fig. 3.8(c) Fig. 3.30 ) before the guest departs .
12 Pretend your feet have been cemented to the floor .
13 This makes it clear that certification , like a share certificate , is not a representation that the transferor has title to the shares but is a representation that certificates have been produced to the company showing a prima facie title and that the company will be liable to compensate any person who acts on the faith of it , provided that it was issued by someone authorised by the company to issue certified transfer and was signed by someone authorised to sign .
14 For example , in the past three years 8,610 posts have been relocated to the assisted areas and 18,700 posts to the urban programme areas .
15 Given the fact that another property developer , and star of the bull market of the Nineties Mountleigh , had gone into receivership and that administrators have been appointed to the Canary Wharf project it could rank as one of the understatements of the 1992 financial year .
16 More blacks have been elected to the state legislature , and a black also heads the Dade county commission .
17 TO golfers , whose appetite for party political broadcasts have been dulled to the point of anorexia , a light is breaking in the western sky .
18 A brine shrimp hatcher is now going and small mesh nets have been attached to the side of the main tank to receive the fry .
19 Northern Constabulary has confirmed that two visits have been made to the Glen Moriston site , during which several people were charged under the 1865 Criminal Trespass ( Scotland ) act .
20 Meanwhile , building companies have been stretched to the limit by the unslaked thirst for housing .
21 These concerns have been expressed to the secretary of state , the chief medical officer , and the chief executive of the NHS collectively and independently , and the colleges have indicated their willingness — indeed , their wish — to work with the administration to address both the immediate issues ( as a matter of urgency ) and long term issues .
22 Sorry One of the other tables you 've got shows you a comparison between the elements which are present in crustal rock and in the sea and from that you can see which ones are a good reflection , I E whi which elements have been transferred to the sea by direct weathering , and which of them are undergoing other processes , either other sources or other sinks .
23 Once the two pairs of steel uprights have been fixed to the base , the saw is slid into position and mitres can be cut .
24 Their lives have been devoted to the welfare of the next generation — not , it is true , to their direct descendants , but to their younger brothers and sisters and therefore potentially to their nephews and nieces .
25 Several considerable contributions have been sent to the hospice including a donation from the North Eastern Ladies Luncheon which added £1,090 to the £500 already given .
26 Each entity must be normalised to third normal form once the entity occurrences have been added to the model .
27 ( h ) Excepted defects There is no condition as to merchantability where defects have been drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , or if the defects should have been obvious from examination .
28 The following appointments have been made to the Judicial Studies Board : Mr Justice Johnson , in succession to Lord Justice Butler-Sloss , ( and will also serve as co-Chairman of the Civil and Family Committee ) ; Judge Oddie , in succession to Judge White , ( and will continue to serve as a member of the Civil and Family Committee ) ; Mr Registrar Angel , a Family Division Registrar , ( who will also continue to serve on the Civil and Family Committee ) .
29 Appointments have been made to the Directorship of the School and to the newly established Peter Moores Professorship of Management Studies ( the holder of which will also be the first Academic Director of the School ) , and arrangements are being made to fill a Readership in Management Studies ( the holder of which will also be the first MBA Director ) .
30 Fourteen new animals and 73 new plants have been added to the UK 's list of protected species .
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