Example sentences of "[noun pl] which can [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , both bacteria and animals are already being engineered to produce specific compounds which can be extracted and used for the benefit of farm animals or man .
2 There are a wide range of finishes which can be used after the preparation process is complete .
3 Rather than pursuing the discussion at an abstract level , it seems sensible to give here a brief synopsis of a selection of French fabliaux which can be regarded as highly typical of the genre , and which represent a range of subtypes within the genre : tales of sensual appetite or greed , adultery and fornication , sexual naivety and sexual fetishism ; a tale of robbers , the macabre joke of the corpse that apparently either can not or will not lie still , and a lavatorial tale of turds .
4 Notes for Guidance were distributed together with the Parliamentary statement , indicating how individual schemes were to be prepared with the object of creating ‘ institutions which can be developed as comprehensive academic communities offering a wide range of disciplines and catering for full-time , sandwich and part-time students at all levels of higher education ’ .
5 This negative bias entails however that in the speaker 's eyes there are no real reasons which can be conceived as occupying the before-position which a reason normally occupies with respect to the action it calls for ; and since there is consequently nothing which can be situated in time before this action , the meaning of to does not apply in this use .
6 Nuclear weapons can not escape from the kinds of restraints built up carefully in the laws-of-war tradition over the centuries , but there is a risk that they may be thought to be so escaping ( especially in view of the UK and US reservations to 1977 Geneva Protocol I ) unless positive action in this direction is taken , The comparative neglect of the whole subject of laws-of-war restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons has endured for forty years , for reasons which can be understood if not approved .
7 In attempting to discern what distinguishes the notions of making and causing , it soon becomes obvious that there are many objects which can be conceived as being made but not as being caused : this is true , for example , of cars , boats , bread , plastic , in short anything that is brought into being by a process of fabrication .
8 In his critique of rationalism in politics Michael Oakeshott drew a distinction between two forms of human knowledge : ‘ technique ’ , that is , skills which can be taught or acquired from manuals ; and ‘ practical ’ , by which is meant things like judgement or artistry .
9 Again , coloured plastic shopping bags will offer a wide range of decorative strips which can be tied or glued to a central strip .
10 Reading and writing are optional activities which can be introduced when appropriate .
11 It is an ASTONISHING piece of equipment — and I long to know how to use other design and text layout programmes which can be purchased and loaded into it , but want to cast around for sound advice as the programmes cost significant sums each .
12 The authors define five recruitment strategies which can be summarized as follows :
13 Only such a theory can generate rules which can be accepted as having the sort of ethical authority that is required for international law to be taken seriously as the ultimate arbiter of international relations .
14 The gutter is supported at frequent intervals on brackets which can be raised or lowered to determine its ‘ fall ’ , and gutters must run to a good fall and should be cleaned at least annually to free them of leaves and mud ; they must not sag between brackets .
15 The experiments discussed in the previous section make it clear that most of the experiences which can be recalled if people are woken up through the night are not normally remembered in the morning .
16 The pixels which make up an image on a digitized computer screen are like building blocks which can be coloured and combined in any way the operator 's computer , competence and ingenuity allow .
17 Following the increased demand for crochet designs , two leaflets ( 2239 and 2240 ) feature summer tops with cardigans which can be knitted or crocheted in Carolina DK which is 100% cotton on 50g balls .
18 Polished metal looks as smooth and featureless as glass to the naked eye but , unlike glass , it is a crystalline material ; it solidifies as a network of tiny grains which can be seen if the metal is etched with a dilute acid and examined under a microscope ( fig. 5.11a ) .
19 The maximum number of packages which can be updated and approved by Update Baseline is also 100 .
20 this note will set out some ideas which can be applied where suitable .
21 The creeping rhizome produces young plants which can be divided and transplanted .
22 In addition , they control resources which can be withdrawn or redeployed at their discretion , and are of vital importance for workers ' livelihood and the revenue base of state expenditure .
23 The study is re- examining the national accounts measurement of government services ; it argues that most public servants in fact do things which can be measured and it provides some alternative estimates for real output growth in education , health and public administration ( which compares well with broadly analogous private financial services ) .
24 Many students , teachers , educationalists , and examiners like to deal with things which can be classified as clearly right or wrong , and perhaps this is one reason why they have favoured an atomistic approach to foreign language learning , for communication is hard to assess , whereas isolated levels like grammar and vocabulary are much easier .
25 Studies which can be classed as ‘ pluralist ’ do not , of course , have to make explicit reference to Lindblom or incrementalism to illustrate the importance of this feature of pluralist approaches .
26 The second Activity is concerned with tailoring the method to suit the particular circumstances , and the FAOR package introduces the concept of instruments , each representing a pre-packaged set of tools , techniques and application principles which can be used as required to address a situation from a desired viewpoint .
27 This definition suggests that public law in a broad sense ( not confining ourselves to the law of judicial review ) concerns the activities of governmental bodies , by which we mean the legislature , the departments of central government and the very large number of bodies and agencies which can be described as offshoots of these departments ( these are often called ‘ fringe bodies ’ ) , courts and tribunals , local government , and , perhaps , the police .
28 The resulting language varies from one author to another , but as written language it has many general features which can be described and analysed ( Perera , 1984 ) .
29 The basis of the whole exercise is the assumption that , in any ordinary human language , the set of terms which can be glossed as " father " , " mother " , " brother " , " sister " etc. , because of the way that they are employed within the context of the domestic family , is somehow primary and basic .
30 Algebraic expressions often contain similar terms which can be added or subtracted to shorten expressions .
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