Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
2 The other guideline which was issued was namely that of capital , where the a accepted the general guidelines which appeared in the county papers and as far as this Committee was concerned , would mean the general acceptance of all those items which appear in that the first year of that capital programme , subject to the proviso that the revenue contemplated and the benefits of the capital programme will be considered by Policy Panel in its forthcoming meeting .
3 Such conditions led to areas of swamp which were a natural trap for unwary animals which ventured to the river to drink .
4 Yet , despite the five centuries which passed between the creation of these two buildings and their different geographical location , they have much in common .
5 In holding that the ban was not ultra vires , Sir Denys Buckley J. made the points that the order-making authority should put clearly before the courts the considerations which led to the making of the order .
6 Corbett slipped and tripped as he was pushed down a flight of steep narrow steps which ran under the keep .
7 These agreements are the latest in a series of steps which began with the visit made by Gu Xiu Lian , Minister of the Chinese Chemical Industry , to Montecatini 's Italian headquarters .
8 ‘ Just keep walking , ’ whispered Rex , as he and Laura marched up the marble steps which led to the plaza before the great building .
9 But they forgot about him as soon as he disappeared out of sight down the steps which led to the promenade and beach .
10 So up I 'd get , wellies on , anorak over nightie , and stump up the steps which led to the sluice to start work .
11 Besides the long access drive that climbed into the trees alongside the road there was a break in the wall by a drain culvert , and a flight of narrow stone steps which climbed towards the cottages .
12 The third congress of journalists which met at the end of January simply stressed the importance of party leadership of the press and made no practical survey of what was actually happening .
13 This was the major period of emplacement of granite intrusions which resulted in the growth of the Western Cordillera .
14 It is only by locating repeal feminism in the broader history of moral environmentalism that we can begin to understand the more obvious class and gender contradictions which surfaced in the politics of the social purity movements in the 1880s and 1890s .
15 Especially in the ‘ new nations ’ , political parties which emerged from the independence movements have either consolidated their position , or have been challenged and replaced by still newer parties , or destroyed by military coups .
16 Lorry driver Malcolm Varley , of Grangetown , Middlesbrough and the drivers of two other cars which crashed into the wreckage were unhurt .
17 The Dalmatians from Ragusa represented the most important of the outside influences which penetrated into the heart of the Balkans .
18 The influences which contributed to the development of this model draw on psycho-analysis , psychosocial casework , ego psychology , role theory , systems theory , family therapy , communication theory and developmental family theory ( Greene , 1986 , pp. 6–7 ) .
19 But in the 1860s and 1870s the development of the steam trawler , the use of ice for preservation , and the exploitation of the rail network signalled the arrival of cheap cod and made possible the fish-and-chip shops which multiplied at the end of the century to furnish an important source of protein to the working class .
20 The downtown antique shops which clustered in the streets off the Marktplatz sold the bric-a-brac , not of the nineteenth but of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
21 Since the Scottish Council 's involvement in April 1989 in the Mini Enterprises in Schools Project ( MESP ) , the number of schools which participated in the project has more than doubled to 168 in the academic year ended 1989/90 .
22 By order of Master Miller dated 2 November 1990 the following point of law was ordered to be tried as a preliminary point before the trial of the action , namely whether the council could maintain an action for libel for any words which reflected upon the council as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund , and whether , if not , the statement of claim disclosed a cause of action .
23 By using words which originated in the context of their own society they imply that the institutions of that society have some kind of privileged universality .
24 A large sycamore tree growing in the front garden had branches which stretched along the side of the house over the trellis .
25 Towards the central area of trees and bushes starlings streamed , alighting on branches which swayed under the weight .
26 Scathach turned in his saddle , scanned the skies through the tangle of branches which arched across the river .
27 The students and others were highly critical of the Dip.AD for a number of reasons , not all of them compatible : that it did not impart a sound technical training and failed to produce good design practitioners ; that it was becoming so academic in content that it was losing touch with the market-place ; that its status was popularly regarded as inferior to that of courses in other subjects which led to the award of degrees ; and that instead of a network of inter-related courses imparting a wide range of studies , it offered only a small number of ladder-like disciplines .
28 The response of those engaged in the arduous labours which led to the conclusion of the Convention is no doubt not dissimilar to that of the scholar who writes a book on the doctrine of unconscionability in contract law and is then taken to task by a reviewer for his failure to cover breach and termination — in other words , for not writing a different book .
29 In some cases the inspiration from Tripoli created opportunities which coincided with the interests and enthusiasms of men like Salah Muhammad who then set about persuading people , one by one , to take advantage of them .
30 The pompous little beadles ; dark-gowned priests ; the lawyers from Westminster Hall with their fur tippets ; and , of course , my favourites , the ladies of the night , with their hair piled high , low-cut dresses and heels which clicked along the cobbles .
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