Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [modal v] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We should not expect that research will come up with recipes and remedies which will work whatever the circumstances .
2 We exchanged a few pleasantries ; I used words which would give her an idea of my station without patronising her .
3 We are also focusing on exploration projects which will give us the opportunity to find larger oil and gas deposits at lower costs .
4 CANCER drug campaigner Janet Murray has had the first tablets which may give her a chance of a normal life .
5 This must override any scheme rules which would give you a worse deal .
6 If the DH is 500 ft , then at 700 ft/min it would be reached in approximately 2 minutes which would give you a reasonable chance of making visual contact .
7 To use the analogy of the archaeological site once more , there are finds which can tell us a great deal .
8 There will be an annual review of your financial circumstances which will give you a chance to look ahead and anticipate any changes which might be necessary to your care arrangements .
9 She says the Liberal Democrats came a close second last time and believes the mood on the ground is one of dissatisfaction with the Conservatives which will give her the swing needed to gain the seat .
10 As you examine your partner 's expectations , make a notation as to how you feel about it next to the number using the following codes : Tick the expectations which will give you no problems .
11 If you do decide to give the Eradicator a whirl , Ray has a tip for new pond-owners which will give them a flying start in the battle against the green blanket .
12 Here are six plants which will give you a delightful blend of pink , purple and rich cream .
13 Most of all we want to shelve the things which might cause us the slightest discomfort .
14 The tenant having died , his daughter sought to rely on the provisions which would give her the right to succeed to the statutory tenancy .
15 Robson 's influence has been legendary within United — but manager Alex Ferguson believes Ince is showing the qualities which will make him the new Red leader .
16 Very anxious to promote the Wales in Europe scheme because it 's been very important to us , including the links that er we have been able to build up with other regions of Europe in Catalonia , , Lombardy and Battenberkaburg above all er which our our sort of strong erm er neighbours which can teach us a lot about industry and these are the areas that we will want to link up with by having this extra seat in the European parliament , er and obviously I mean there are sorts of areas where we have some sympathy with the occasional point that is made by the anti-Europe speakers on the other side .
17 The authors of the Crowther Committee Report of 1971 saw no benefit in controlling credit , though it would be socially harmful for money-lenders to risk lending money , at the high interest rates which would bring them a commercial profit , to anyone unlikely to be able to pay it back .
18 But there are some standard arrangements which may give you a few helpful ideas .
19 Every feeling has to find the metaphor(s) which will give it a body .
20 The qualification has been designed to make it possible for candidates to select modules which will give them the equivalent of at least three Highers in arts or social science areas .
21 This means that you should not turn up in casual clothes which express your out-of-work personality , enchanting as that may be , nor should you wear the sort of ‘ best ’ clothes which would make you the star at a party but which are patently unsuitable for day-today working situations .
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