Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The tape was then continued , and after the first few words were uttered by the second voice Lucy almost froze in horror .
2 You made sure those words were learnt for the next day .
3 When the words were spoken for the third time , however , the divorce was irrevocable .
4 Isolated vesicles were used in the first direct demonstration of Na + /H + exchange , by Murer in rabbit jejunum .
5 It is very important that we recognize the possibility of accepting the best features of comprehensive schools while getting rid of the worst , remembering with reasonable humility that the schools were introduced in the first place as experimental , and that all the trial and error may not yet be over .
6 The first true prep schools were started in the nineteenth century , in the confused wake of the great public schools .
7 Further practical steps were taken following the second amendment to make the SDR ‘ the principal reserve asset ’ :
8 The earliest reversions to Exchequer offices were granted during the fifteenth century ; they became frequent during the sixteenth .
9 The housing problems detailed in the TSA report and potential solutions were discussed on the first day .
10 Serum calcium and albumin concentrations were measured for the first 7 days and at least weekly for 4 weeks after treatment .
11 The fate of the earlier Halling registers is not known but some of the early entries were copied in the 19th century by Sir Thorn as Colyer Ferguson .
12 During the relaying of this track , the Marton trams operated in a complete circle , returning to Talbot Square via Royal Oak and Lytham Road , while the St. Annes blue cars were diverted for the first time to the Promenade at Talbot Square .
13 Revenue was up , expenditure too and some young trees , notably 30 birches and limes were planted between the 12th and 14th , also the ‘ plantation ’ ( now a copse ) between the 14th and 15th , and the bushes behind the 2nd , plus many others .
14 The first multiparty general election since independence in 1975 took place on Nov. 22 , with a second round on Nov. 29 in 34 constituencies where no candidates were elected in the first round .
15 Failure to control inflation meant that pensioners ' incomes from savings were cut under the last Labour Government .
16 None of the watering places they visited showed any signs of fresh tracks , and no animals were sighted in the first hour .
17 TWO boozy Geordie dads were put on the next flight home from Majorca for having no papers .
18 I think all goals were scored in the second half .
19 Over the millennia , other wrecks and crippled vessels were welded to the first , in whole or in part , or were crashed into place in what became a vast assembly kilometres across and deep .
20 The bureau said that despite flooding the summer grain harvest was down by only 1.8 per cent , although " severe " economic losses were expected in the second half .
21 Picasso 's work was first seen in Germany in 1909 at the Thannhauser Gallery in Munich , and paintings by many of the other painters subsequently known as Cubists were shown at the second exhibition of the Neue Künstlervereinigung in Munich in 1910 .
22 Belt loops were specified for the first time , and the khaki trousers were not to bear branch-coloured leg stripes .
23 Various global tectonic models were proposed during the nineteenth and the first part of the twentieth century , with most attention being focused on the origin of the major mountain systems of the Earth 's surface .
24 The Scottish Conservatives in general had also attracted criticism for their refusal to discuss devolution , giving rise to fears that a constitutional crisis might overtake the country if the Conservatives were defeated in the next general election .
25 The plates were developed for the first migration in a solvent saturated chamber consisting of chloroform/methanol/ammonium hydrate/water 184:105:7.5:7.5 vol and then dried in cold air .
26 Though the duties were reduced throughout the first half of the 19th century , they were not finally abolished until 1861 .
27 Along with the technology came the new scientific breed of brewers , and the skills of brewing chemists , administrators and engineers were harnessed for the first time .
28 On Feb. 12 some 36 such refugees were returned in the first mandatory repatriation of 1992 .
29 Nevertheless , it is because of their influence that Roman Catholic adherents were found in the seventeenth century as far east as Bulgaria .
30 Yesterday a Birmingham small claims court ordered Warwickshire , the ground authority , to repay the full admission price to five England supporters who felt cheated after only two balls were bowled on the second day of the first Test .
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