Example sentences of "[noun pl] or [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are particularly concerned that the poor , elderly and sick will be forced to run up debts or cut down on the amount of electricity , coal , oil and gas they use .
2 The enquiry looked at 1208 people who , in the application year ending 31 March 1980 , enquired , submitted application forms or dropped out at the various stages of the process of seeking to be matriculated , as well as those who matriculated and graduated .
3 He said that if I did n't do it he 'd stop me having baths or going out in the cellar .
4 All those boarded-up shops and only old people about , dreaming on doorsteps or creeping along in the sun .
5 If you put him on a wyvern there is a temptation to spend half the game flitting about behind the enemy lines or stuck up in the air .
6 Other options open to the council include reducing the opening hours of all libraries or cutting back on the money it pends on books .
7 Football was never an entirely respectable sport and from the outset crowds swore and shouted , occasionally threw things or charged on to the pitch .
8 Behind the major properties were a number of cottages huddled together in yards or strung out along the lanes .
9 This limitation forces the investor to accept the level of market risk and the only ways in which this can be avoided are to select defensive ( low beta ) securities or to move out of the equities market into alternative investments or to reduce the market influence by combining equities with the risk-free asset .
10 It will have instructed the Parliamentary Draftsman on the preparation of the Bill ; he will have drafted it ( though probably not without returning to the department on a number of occasions for clarification of instructions or to point out to the department any legal or constitutional difficulties encountered in implementing the instructions ) .
11 He is probably a murderer himself ; the lightmindedness of his retrospective half-confirmations and half-denials is oddly disgusting ; and for him killing people is no more doing something than sleeping with little girls or setting off for the North Pole .
13 Whether they are jamming the bustling streets of Kowloon , elbowing their way on to ancient trams or leaping about on the terraces at the races , Hong Kong people are enthusiasts .
14 The reason often lies in an over-eager management who are continually hounding the PRO for more column inches or to keep up with the supposed coverage of competitors .
15 Small comfort for those languishing in the prisons or holed up in the hills , one suspects , but their toils have been translated into the stuff of great writing — Gabriel Garcia Marquez , Mario Vargas Llosa and Graham Greene have , in different ways , picked over the moral and political wreckage of Latin America , and you feel it needs writers of their calibre to make sense of it .
16 Taxing the benefit , and introducing tighter medical checks will also , says the Government , force many to find jobs or sign back on the dole .
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