Example sentences of "[noun pl] had been [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes had been rubbed a raw red by fatigue and cold and had a harried glitter .
2 The extent to which the courts could become involved in the politics of such disputes had been shown a few years earlier when Lord Cameron presided over an enquiry into a dispute on London building sites .
3 Charlemagne thought that the Byzantine emperors had been denied the Roman empire , which had been conferred on him instead ( 800 ) , because they had shown the pride of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon , not least in allowing images of themselves to be idolatrously venerated .
4 When all the books had been read the local reader lost interest .
5 Three navy helicopters had been searching the Manx coastline where the Gloucester had been moored , and where the two radio operators were last seen .
6 Even after peasant representation had been abruptly cut in 1907 , and the nobles had been guaranteed a virtual veto against undesirable peasant candidates , the peasant deputies elected to the Third and Fourth Dumas remained unshakeable on the land question .
7 The miners had been seeking a 25 per cent pay increase , but the mine faced an uncertain future , with reserves expected to run out by 1996 .
8 Since about mid-June , the Khmers Rouges had been refusing the chief co-ordinator of the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia ( UNTAC ) , Yasushi Akashi , access to areas they controlled around Pailin , reports said , even though the peace agreement , which they had signed together with the three other factions , gave him authority to travel anywhere .
9 It had all been going on for years , Chertro said , and apparently earlier technicians had been doing the same for a long time before .
10 Her loose silk smock had been raised , while the elastic waistband of her matching trousers had been lowered a few inches so that her pale abdomen , not yet beginning to swell with the new life inside her , was ready to be smeared lightly with the gel that would facilitate the task of finding the tiny heartbeat .
11 One of his ideas had been to take a small naval party with him who would attempt to scuttle a ship in the harbour mouth .
12 The forward ceptors had been showing a bright little disc that was the planet Fraxilly , steadily enlarging as we crept near to it on planetary drive .
13 At the time ASEAN was created in August 1967 Soviet officials had been anticipating an American attempt to construct a broader alliance to replace the decrepit SEATO .
14 Thai military sources had been predicting the imminent fall of Pailin , saying that the Khmer Rouge were bombarding the town with up to 1,000 shells a day .
15 The demonstrations came temporarily to an end after a personal appeal by Gorbachev on 26 February , but a report that two Azerbaijanis had been killed the previous week led to an anti-Armenian riot on 28–29 February in the oil town of Sumgait in which 32 people were killed and 197 were injured , including more than 100 police officers .
16 There were those amongst his small circle of intimates who said it would be his undoing , but they or their predecessors had been prophesying the same for three decades , and Klein had out-prospered every one of them .
17 Some thought that fundholding general practitioners had been given a perverse incentive not to spend money on their patients or even to be selective in the types of patient they enrolled on their list .
18 Professor Roesdahl , of Aarhus University , Denmark , who is one of the chief organisers , explains that Scandinavian scholars had been planning a major show on the Vikings for some time , and the French became involved because they had also wanted to hold such an exhibition , partly to examine the Viking role in Normandy .
19 Gloucestershire county councillors had been fearing the worst since February when they approved a budget almost ten million pounds more than the Government target .
20 Daum claimed that his players had been given the new sports designer drug Clenbuterol simply to heal persistent muscle injuries .
21 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
22 The men had been denied the agreed consultation period .
23 Franco believed that one of General Primo de Rivera 's mistakes had been to establish the provisional nature of his regime at the outset .
24 He and his wife had been involved in offering support and assistance to the family whose eight children had been removed the previous November .
25 At least the Spanish authorities had been conducting a professional search .
26 While the combined effect of a number of cases had been to limit the audi alteram partem principle , it would be misleading to say that it had been wholly forgotten .
27 Some believed indeed that the original intention of Soviet Mediterranean deployments had been to induce a negotiated withdrawal of the United States ' Sixth Fleet .
28 Formalities over , our routine search of the yacht revealed that , amongst other educational subjects the boys had been given a practical lesson in how to avoid paying the duty on a considerable quantity of wines and spirits .
29 This group had already trekked from Pochala on the Ethiopian border ; some of the boys had been living a transitory existence for four years .
30 Mr Tony Newton , the Social Security Secretary , was accused of misleading Parliament when he announced in a written reply that Electronic Data Systems had been given the five-year contract for running the centre at Norcross , Lancashire , ‘ following consideration of a tender ’ .
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