Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [adv] [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Asia native peoples had also seen the European powers defeated , in 1941–2 , by an Asian power , Japan .
2 A consortium of eight nuclear organizations had also formed the Nuclear Electricity Information Group , a propagandist organization which began a hard sell for nuclear power .
3 The Greens/Alliance 90 won representation in every Land except Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania where the two parties had not presented a joint list .
4 In the period February 21st-26th , the French losses amounted to 25,000 men , and , although during that time the ratio of French and German casualties was reliably estimated at three to one , by the 29th German losses had already passed the 25,000 mark .
5 The regenerative cars had not shown the expected economies and indeed they were responsible for excessive current consumption .
6 Although nobody outside the club gave us a prayer of winning , the lads had already done the difficult part of the job by turning the tide at Anfield .
7 Although she had said she wanted to read the letter , the harsh , poisonous words had still sent a huge jolt of shock right through her .
8 The keen youngsters had not won a single game since the season started in September .
9 Whoever had sent these assassins had completely underestimated the fat knight .
10 The substantial mortgage was by no means essential , but Mike 's parents had always owned a large , well-appointed home on Sydney 's prestigious North Shore and he did n't see why he should settle for less .
11 But at the end of a very long , very hard life , he was still able to smile enthusiastically into his son 's lens and show that his experiences had n't got the better of him .
12 It reported that the difference of view between the government and other countries had now led the Royal Commission to announce an inquiry into the evidence of the health effects of nitrate in groundwater .
13 Also , because the rats ’ behaviour changed immediately after the first reinforcement trial , Tolman argued that the results obtained could only occur if the rats had earlier developed a cognitive map , that is the mental representation of the particular special arrangement of the maze .
14 By refusing to keep open two-way radio links , the crews had effectively ended a proper emergency service .
15 Vicky pointed out that we had deposited our own jewellery in the safe in our room and that other guests had probably done the same .
16 The rebels had apparently dropped an earlier insistence that the UN should take over main government ministries until elections .
17 The superintendent grimaced as though her nostrils had suddenly detected a bad smell .
18 The tribunal decided that Customs had unreasonably made a mistaken inference that the wife 's business was separate to avoid a tax liability .
19 Both the Czechoslovak and Hungarian governments had initially sought a complete withdrawal by the end of 1990 , but the Soviet side had claimed that logistical and other technical problems , in particular concerning the resettlement of large numbers of troops and families in the Soviet Union , made it impossible to meet such a deadline .
20 Although the applicants had previously held a valid planning consent on the site , they lost an earlier appeal to have it renewed .
21 Many pre-nationalisation undertakings had also entered the retail market for electrical appliances , with shops or ‘ showrooms ’ where consumers could pay their electricity bills and get advice on electrical products .
22 In 1945 , when the war against the Third Reich was finally won , and the Allies had also defeated the Japanese Empire , the total loss of life , including the civilian victims of bombing and famine , was fifty-five million people ( a figure equivalent to the whole population of Great Britain in the late 1960s ) .
23 We crossed the River Annalee at Butler 's Bridge , then stopped a while at Cavan , before continuing southeast to Kells , on the River Blackwater , where monks had once preserved the sacred Book .
24 If the Greeks had , for instance , thought through the deepest problems of life and if Germans aspired to emulate their profundity , the Greeks had also possessed a rich and much admired language which was likewise not beyond emulation .
25 Nationalists had also called a one-day general strike for Oct. 1 against the proposed new union treaty , but only in the West Ukraine did this attract anything more than patchy support .
26 Moreover , in 1973 one deputy minister of foreign trade described the deficiencies in Soviet marketing as follows : ‘ While we were only beginning to understand that before entering the marketplace we had to study it , determining which machinery could or could not be supplied where , as well as how to organise the work involved , capitalist firms had already created a whole science to deal with the question , coordinating production , advertising and commercial activity into a single discipline ’ ( N. Smeliakov , Novy mir , 12 ( Dec. ) 1973 , 216–17 ) .
27 Moreover , the privatised firms had seldom showed the expected gains .
28 The ships of these fleets had also undergone a radical change .
29 Conjointly , a second attack was to be launched the following day on the Right Bank to capture Fort Vaux , whose enfilading guns had also stopped the Fifth Army on its other flank .
30 Over the months , scars had slowly covered the sore places in her mind but sometimes , especially at Kew , the pain took her breath away .
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