Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [verb] [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My parents had given me a little electric keyboard for my fourth birthday , and I quickly learnt to play the tunes in the manual .
2 She remembered the evening because his parents had given him an awful sweater for his birthday and between comedy programmes on the television she and Alan thought up alternative uses for an awful sweater .
3 She rarely smiled but this was not through a lack of good nature : her responsibilities had given her a serious expression .
4 Just when she had been on the brink of despair , one of her rich customers had given her a handsome order .
5 The world shortage and price rises had made it a rare delicacy for ordinary citizens , but David Laing liked to sip and swig constantly .
6 Lori had given her an old-fashioned look .
7 She had n't become a whore because she wanted to ; it was because the money of perverted old men had offered her an easy way out of poverty — those same old men who would clamour for the investigation to be dropped .
8 By the time he did , her new book was out and her publishers had sent him an advance copy .
9 She was said to have paid £1,000 towards the £2,000 down payment given to the undercover detectives by her father and Chief Superintendent John Homer said that in dealings with Mr Smith police had found him a difficult and opinionated man .
10 By September the Franco courts had given him a twenty-year prison sentence .
11 The researchers had given me an electric thermometer , a stalk of red plastic , to put in my mouth .
12 He had been working at tar Processing and the fumes had given him an unpleasant skin complaint .
13 The soldiers had found it a long and tiring period .
14 His first plan was to have the film , provisionally entitled Who Killed Bambi ? directed by Russ Meyer , a corpulent , moustachioed American whose films featuring pendulous-breasted women had made him an improbable recipient of cult acclaim .
15 Well , I had done what I could to protect the new catapult and , while I was sorry that what had happened at the Rabbit Grounds had cost me a trusted weapon with many battle honours to its name ( not to mention a significant sum out of the Defence budget ) , I thought that maybe what had happened had been for the best .
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