Example sentences of "[noun pl] at the [adj] [noun] [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 While this remains largely true , there is growing awareness , not confined to elite groups , that decision-makers at the national level are unable to solve pressing domestic problems .
2 PPs at the basic level are unlikely to beat even a moderately good occupational pension scheme , and anyone in a good scheme — especially if it is inflation proofed like those in the public services — would be unwise to move out .
3 There is much speculation now that Graf 's frequent illnesses at the biggest events are caused largely by stress .
4 Striking workers at the Daily News are unimpressed .
5 While explanations at the molecular level are the aim , much of this book will still look at embryos at the cellular level , reflecting the current state of knowledge .
6 OFFICIALS at the United Nations are appealing to the rich industrialised world to help out developing countries in the area of space science and technology .
7 Farmers at the Royal Show are demanding tighter government controls on livestock imported from Europe , to stop the spread of killer diseases .
8 The disparities at the retail level are much bigger than those at the wholesale one .
9 The last , as it affects lawyers , has already been dealt with , and we are now considering the General Category , where the prospects at the top levels are better than in the others .
10 All the rooms at the Yahsi Beach are of a good size and have private facilities and balconies .
11 Topics of current intense interest such as the expression and regulation of HLA-G class I molecules on trophoblast cell populations at the maternal-fetal interface are mentioned , but inevitably provide a picture from around early 1991 .
12 Patients without endoscopic oesophagitis or with the presence of erosions at the distal oesophagus are younger , usually in the fourth decade and mainly women , while patients with Barrett 's oesophagus ( uncomplicated and complicated with ulcer and/ or stricture ) are significantly older ( usually in the fifth decade ) and mainly men .
13 Although the reference to memory is not as direct as in the other questions it is clear that such decisions at the strategical level are based on memory in at least two separate ways .
14 The curtains at the tiny windows are spangled with yellow flowers .
15 And incredibly , users at the top end are still crying out for more power because IBM failed to keep its promise of increasing performance at a rate that would keep it ahead of customer demand .
16 All of our businesses have maintained or improved their market shares as managers we concentrate on the full year rather on either half and because of our seasonal bias er , those of you who 've been , er , to our interim presentations before er , will remember that without fail I tell you our results at the half-way stage are not a clear guide to the outcome of the year as a whole .
17 Some women and men never marry , or are no longer married , being widowed or divorced ; 80 per cent of women over 75 and 39 per cent of men at the same age are on their own .
18 Second , though some senior men at the Foreign Office are Arabist , there are other officials who balance their influence .
19 I can confirm that stories about meetings at the party-political level are pure invention .
20 For example , in the Chart diagram in Fig 3.1. , valid paths at the syntactic level are defined as groups of syntactic categories .
21 Beats at the second level are stronger beats which alternate with the weaker beats at the lower level .
22 Other patient characteristics and details of their past ulcer history and findings at the diagnostic endoscopy are summarised in Tables I and II , respectively .
23 In contrast , the localization of gluRs to the synaptic zone and the second , localized expression of gluRs at the synaptic zone are both innervation-dependent .
24 Flaws in crystals at the atomic level are far smaller than the pits etched in a laser disc 's surface , so crystals can potentially pack more information into a given area .
25 This meeting and a subsequent schedule of talks at the ministerial level are intended to lead to a global convention on climate change by 1995 .
26 Events at the local level are not simply subsumed into some larger , general process .
27 There is no way that we can change those without the agreement of all the other members of the community er but I know that it 's something that er my colleagues at the foreign office are extremely concerned with .
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