Example sentences of "[noun pl] on the [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 More than 25000 visitors crammed the 500 plus stands on the first day of the show , in Ghent , to look at new developments in materials science , biotechnology , microelectronics and engineering .
2 This was followed up by joint guidelines on the nursing management of people infected with HIV ( ICN/WHO 1988 ) , and WHO declared December 1 , 1988 , a World AIDS Day to heighten awareness about the disease , and to provide information , as opposed to myth and rumour , about its spread and means of containment .
3 It 's got a face there and he 's got ears up there and he 's got erm the ears on the other head of his
4 The ancient art of batik , a form of resist dyeing , has been perfected over centuries on the Indonesian island of Java , so it was there that Angela Newport went to learn the technique .
5 The reason is that at slow speeds it moves both legs on the same side of the body forward at the same time , first one side and then the other .
6 A joint statement issued in London on Sept. 28 after talks between Brooke and the Social Democratic and Labour Party ( SDLP ) warned that if no new formula could be found within a month to bring together the nationalist and Unionist parties on the constitutional future of Northern Ireland , the initiative would have to be abandoned .
7 Frenular bristles are absent or small in these insects but there is sometimes a more distally placed series of costal spines ( the pseudofrenulum ) on the hind wing which functions independently of the jugum by pressing against the anal area of the fore wing ( e.g. Sabatinca ) , or a series of interlocking hairs on the basal half of the hind margin of the fore Wing and the fore margin of the hind wing ( e.g. Mnesarchaea ) .
8 No I do n't think there were , there might have been one or two , yes I do know one that used to make some form of er something for the saddlery trade and you know those houses opposite the alms houses in Road , there are some alms houses on the one side , then there 's some houses that lie up steps on the other side of the road if they 're still there .
9 On each side of the double flight of steps on the front elevation of the Villa , a statue was erected ; on the one side Palladio and on the other , Inigo Jones ; they are there lo this day .
10 When most people of her age are just setting their first tentative steps on the bottom rung of life 's ladder , Radio One 's most successful — and , it must be said , best-looking — female disc jockey is riding high .
11 Guy Nicot , the Louvre ( and Elysée Palace ) architect currently supervising work on the Museum 's Cour Napoléon will leave his offices on the first floor of the west side of the Cour Lefuel ( once the apartments of Napoléon III 's Master of the Horse ) to make way for Dutch and Flemish sculptures ; German pieces will be housed underneath on the ground floor .
12 The IAEA , in its offices on the far side of the Danube beyond the Prater 's great Ferris wheel , provides a prototype .
13 Between whiles she got up and looked out of the window , watching the pale sunshine come and go on the elaborate mouldings and cornices of the offices on the opposite side of Hand and Ball Court , until she realized she was being watched from a window of the floor above by two young men in shirtsleeves .
14 Yesterday 's crash was the second involving a lorry approaching roadworks on the same stretch of the M-50 .
15 Keep your eyes on the lightest part of the sky and they 'll adapt little by little . "
16 ‘ A quiet night , after all , ’ Bicker said , his eyes on the flat land of the wide river valley ahead .
17 Vi walked carefully , eyes on the trailing habit of Sister Cecilia , who negotiated the twisting downward steps with a child beneath each arm .
18 She shot a look at Alain , but looked away very speedily when she found his eyes on the sudden curve of her lips .
19 Bracing her feet against the Angharad 's deck , she fixed her eyes on the grey smudge of land in the distance , willing it to come nearer .
20 She fixed her eyes on the jagged line of rocks to which she had to climb .
21 In a few quick strides I was back at the bend , and was just in time to see a movement in the bushes on the lower side of the track .
22 Excessive faecal bile acid loss is well recognised in patients with cystic fibrosis and has been attributed to an inhibitory effect of intraluminal unhydrolysed triglycerides on the intestinal absorption of bile acids .
23 The additions to this B-tree have had no effect on the index entries on the left-hand side of the tree , but have led to several changes to the right-hand index entries .
24 Of the twenty-nine entries on the full list of sites and institutions receiving more than 100,000 visitors in 1991 , only the Blue Grotto and the Egyptian Museum in Turin saw visitor numbers rise in comparison with 1990 .
25 There could have been an innocent explanation for the dust cloud : it could have been caused by a herd of cows being driven to market , by a Prussian regiment on exercise , or even by a work gang hammering cobbles into the highway 's bed of chalk and flint , yet the musket-fire Sharpe had heard earlier , and the Presence of the enemy Dragoons on the southern bank of the Sambre suggested a more sinister cause .
26 On Monday , when Sara had left the house early to see to things in two of the toy shops on the other side of the county , he could find nothing at home that he felt up to doing .
27 Stratabound , very low grade lead and zinc mineralisation occurs in basal Dinantian limestones on the northern margin of the Northumberland basin ( MRP 17 , Gallagher and others , 1986 ) .
28 The Common was the local term used to describe an area of several acres on the western boundary of the Woodfield Estate .
29 It caused tailbacks on the eastbound lane of the A66 between Cargo Fleet Lane and Borough Road roundabouts .
30 To form the channels above bottom pelmet , bring the pairs of stitching lines together and pin with the wrong sides facing ; this will form the channels on the right side of the lining ( fig. 52 ) .
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