Example sentences of "[noun pl] it [vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That had stopped the Ministry ‘ dead in its tracks ’ and it had come to the conclusion that if it denied premium to the rearer of suckled calves it would eventually be challenged by a hill farmer before the European Court .
2 Rated at four channels of 50 watts each into 8 ohms it can also be used in bridged format to produce the equivalent of a normal stereo amplifier rated at 10 watts mono plus 50 watts stereo. ) the Units will cost £229.99 .
3 But to test , for example , the assumption about item difficulty being independent of the student requires assuming that ability is unidimensional ; in other words it can not be tested !
4 In the context of the debate on continuation schools it can best be understood through an examination of two of its principal features , namely , political stability , which of necessity included social harmony , and what has been called the ‘ civic ideal ’ , which meant service to the community .
5 Even if a child took a whole bottle full of remedies it would not be harmed !
6 And in the coming months it can reasonably be anticipated that many of those currently looking for employment will be successful .
7 In many wills it would not be needed ; but some of the texts examined show it playing a more vital role .
8 The rules of the scheme provide that the application for arbitration must be made within nine months of the date of return from the holiday but in special circumstances it may still be offered outside this period .
9 The rules of the scheme provide that the application for arbitration must be made within nine months of the date of return from the holiday , but in special circumstances it may still be offered outside this period .
10 In these circumstances it can fairly be said that there was no medical evidence favouring such ventilation , although it was clearly possible that within the paediatric medical speciality some consultant of repute could be found who took a different view .
11 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
12 Erm but of course if you die within seven years it could indeed be added back into your estate so I think that they also build a certain amount of life insurance against that and essentially what you do is you you One of the schemes is you pay insurance against the amount of the tax bill seven years .
13 In the nature of things it could not be regulated by any court .
14 Using correlation techniques it can then be seen what feature of the sum best predicts response time .
15 In many ways it could even be described as idyllic .
16 In this context it may be argued that if the ‘ inputs ’ are high in conventional terms it may reasonably be expected that the ‘ outputs ’ will also be high .
17 In risky situations it would thus be predicted that attention would be focused on information which was important to controlling risk , and information peripheral to this task would be neglected .
18 While the Chamber of Commerce is busily advertising in UK newspapers it will not be promoting a firm on the Calais industrial estate who are busily buying direct from European breweries and reselling in Britain .
19 Because of the common age of onset being in the late teens it can easily be equated with the usual somewhat awkward behaviour and natural rebellion of teenagers , and initially be set aside by both relatives and professionals , resulting in great family trauma , and at times violence or suicide .
20 It may be argued that because the affective domain deals with qualitative differences it can not be planned for in the same systematic way that is applied to knowledge , and that it is best dealt with by providing suitable models , and by discussion when problems and student needs arise .
21 After studying the above ballets it may well be asked what is modern style ?
22 The procedure is often of great value , but it 's suggested that for two reasons it should only be used in urgent cases — both out of consideration for Land Registry staff , and to avoid the possibility of their being swamped by too many such applications , resulting in delay , which would defeat the whole purpose of the operation .
23 ‘ But given the nature of his activities it can not be excluded that this was a political attack . ’
24 ‘ the notion of public interest has its limitations and in many cases it will not be served by dissemination of information about a person charged with a criminal offence or it must yield to the need to secure a fair trial for such a person .
25 In small birds it can hardly be rendered except as a blur of wings ; we can sometimes see their wingspread clearly when they threaten each other or quarrel at bird tables .
26 With the right accessories it can also be used for metal filing , wood and plastic rasping , and for brushing !
27 Clinical need is as yet unquantifiable , but in time , by dint of hard thought , hard work and , maybe , with the help of computer Expert Systems it can surely be made measurable .
28 Now this can be rather boring , as for some students it will actually be going over material that they have met .
29 In this case , Savory alleged that the doctrine of constructive notice was not relevant to this type of commercial transaction and on the facts it would not be regarded as having known that the £13.5m was trust money belonging to Eagle .
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