Example sentences of "[noun pl] to a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fashion designers Jean and Martin Pallant and Harpers & Queen cordially invite readers to a special preview of their autumn collection at their fabulous shop in the Pantechnicon building , 19a Motcomb Street , London SW1 .
2 On the one hand , as I wrote , I found myself wanting to alert readers to an increasing amount of detailed literature , across a wide range of disciplines , currently being reported ; and to indicate something of the complexity of the issues being pursued .
3 In 1265 the papacy had reserved to itself the right to provide candidates to a wide variety of livings in the gift of ecclesiastical patrons and to bishoprics vacated at Rome .
4 Thus , he tends to argue in a fairly straightforward way from the similarity of behaviour in human beings and animals to a mutual possession of the same ‘ concepts ’ .
5 In the hills men and women were combing and washing and polishing chosen animals to a Vogue-like perfection of appearance , winners determined to hold their titles , aspirants determined to displace them .
6 But , hysteria apart , these trips opened my eyes to a new world of music and beauty , of which there had n't , of necessity , been a great deal during the last six years .
7 12.3 In the event that any such dispute or difference can not be settled amicably the matter in dispute or difference may be referred by any of the Parties to a single arbitrator to be appointed by the Parties hereto or failing agreement within 28 days after being requested to concur in such appointment , according to the provisions of the Arbitration Acts , 1950 and 1979 or any statuary re-enactment or amendment thereof for the time being in force shall apply thereto .
8 Two AI delegates were recently invited as guest speakers to a week-long conference in Colombo on trade unions and human rights .
9 We were able to offer solutions to a wide variety of problems from decontaminating nuclear facilities to assessing the safety of new rail links .
10 Obviously there are no simple solutions to a difficult relationship with a demanding parent , but it can often be kept ticking over on a mixture of kindness and firmness and a refusal on your part to come out of your corner for a fight every time she chooses to ring the bell .
11 But the solutions posed by these films are strictly on the level of fantasy ( for most of us ) , and moreover are individual solutions to a particular set of circumstances .
12 Peter Shilton , who had performed impeccably , then conceded the decisive goals to a deflected shot from Gallacher and Cross 's own-goal .
13 Their plans were strategic in the sense that an idealized future ( say 20 years hence ) was projected which would accommodate all assumptions as to likely change : there would be no great population growth ( why should there be ? — the 1930s had been a decade of population stagnation , if not decline ) ; inter-war regional drift would be halted ; the housing shortage would be made good ; the necessary population redistributions would be implemented , so reducing densities to an acceptable level in the inner districts ; areas for suburban expansion would be identified and selected against a background of open space and protected countryside ; lines for improved road communication would be safeguarded and the commercial areas , particularly town centres , would be better defined and made architectural show-pieces .
14 Teversham stopped where he was , saw Miss Williams notice him , and waited patiently while she dispatched four of the assorted teenagers to a distant meadow with eight ponies , and while the yard cleared of small children and their parents .
15 VICTIMS of domestic violence need not face an aggressive partner in court , thanks to a recent change in the law .
16 City centre pollution could be cut significantly thanks to a new type of bus .
17 Now , thanks to a new generation of gospel singers , you can indulge your tastes for pop music without having your values corrupted and your families fragmented .
18 BP 's extended-reach drilling programme at Wytch Farm in Dorset is proceeding with improved accuracy thanks to a new kind of technique that predicts reservoir quality as the well is being drilled .
19 But , thanks to a power-packed ride from Pat Eddery , Eurolink Thunder capturing the Laburnum Conditions Stakes and Captain Horatius impressing in the Magnolia Stakes saw his third and fourth do the business .
20 Insomnia , jet lag , bleary-eyed shift workers and bleak winter moods could all be a thing of the past thanks to a tiny dose of meltonin , dubbed the ‘ Dracula ’ hormone .
21 Thanks to a fantastic response by WWF supporters to our African elephant appeal ( over £300,000 in the UK alone so far in 1989 ) , we have been able to step up vital elephant conservation projects on the ground in Africa .
22 The first of a new family of drugs based on the leech has been developed thanks to a key piece of understanding provided by Huber 's team at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Germany .
23 Had Charles looked the other way — south , over the town bridge — we have a very good idea of exactly what he would have seen , thanks to a contemporary engraving by Abraham Crocker .
24 This season , the scoring system is going high-tech thanks to a joint venture between Goole , Humberside-based press agency Computer News Services and the Test and County Cricket Board .
25 This season , the scoring system is going high-tech thanks to a joint venture between Goole , Humberside-based press agency Computer News Services and the Test and County Cricket Board .
26 The irony was that many would soon end up owner-occupied thanks to a central part of Thatcherism — the right to buy scheme .
27 The Which ? survey found many were providing a limited holiday-selection and biased information , thanks to a virtual stranglehold by the major tour operators .
28 The Which ? survey found many were providing a limited holiday-selection and biased information , thanks to a virtual stranglehold by the major tour operators .
29 It looks really special thanks to a superb print in shades of blue , apple and black on white .
30 In-form Brentford gained their seventh win in eight games thanks to a 40th-minute strike from Joe Allon and an own-goal two minutes later from Derby 's Dutch full-back Richard Goulooze .
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