Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 VHS hi-fi stereo sound , unlike VHS mono , is encoded at high speed along with the picture signals in the same way as Video 8 hi-fi , and hence has the same high standard of audio quality .
2 I have often thought that I should like to push through the House a simple single-clause Bill which would reduce death and injury at a stroke : it would be to insist that road traffic operated with signals in the same way as trains .
3 Thus it is an evident advance on a mere empirical listing of successive ‘ movements ’ or ‘ isms ’ , which then moves away to an unlocated discussion of ‘ styles ’ , to attempt to identify two factors : the internal organization of the particular formation ; and its proposed and actual relations to other organizations in the same field and to society more generally .
4 In fact , their necks are so mobile that they can keep their heads in the same position while a branch sways in the breeze underneath them .
5 There is a long running case before the House of Lords concerning the River Derwent at present about whether rights of way can be established on waterways in the same way as on land .
6 Here it is important to see that the traditional category of plural is not symmetrically applied to first Person in the way it is to third : we does not mean plural speakers in the same way that they means more than one third person entity ( Lyons , 1968 : 277 ) .
7 Plant subjects in the same lunchboxes that had been used for previous experiments were placed on a stand and viewed .
8 Organised by the same curator as the Bagatelle exhibition , Solange Auzias de Turenne , ‘ Moore Intime ’ features a life-size reconstruction of rooms from Moore 's house , ‘ Hoglands ’ , complete with contents down to the books in the same order as the artist left them in the bookcases , and items from his art collection which served as inspiration for his work .
9 Would waking subjects really respond to dream images in the same way as when asleep ?
10 Claims involving a vessel in an EEC country are dealt with by the branches in the same manner as other claims involving EEC countries .
11 It might be argued that rivals would be aware of this possibility and therefore move in quickly , bearing initial losses in the same way as the initial company does .
12 The attraction between the positive and negative electricity was supposed to keep the electrons in their orbits in the same way that the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets keeps the planets in their orbits .
13 they have n't become dinosaurs in the same way as the Eastern European car manufacturers might have done .
14 Gandhi speaks of loving enemies and reacting to their wrongdoings in the same way as you would react to the wrong-doings of friends and relatives .
15 Any assessment of the impact of labour unions requires us to consider not only their influence on the wages and conditions of their members but also how this affects non-members in the same firm and labour in general .
16 They were certainly not affixed to the merchandise as labels in the same way that some furniture makers and picture framers did , as a recent examination of some one thousand coffins in the vaults at Christchurch , Spitalfields , has proved .
17 Parents will also be able to know the school 's performance in relation to other schools in the same LEA and how each LEA performs in relation to other LEAs .
18 If , at first , she is able to continue with her career , she is in some respects in the same position as the working wife and mother , who has the strain of two heavy areas of responsibility : her home and her job , but with several important differences .
19 The new £75,000 final salary limit applies to AVCs in the same way as to other earnings .
20 Apart from these exemptions , planning controls operate in rural areas in the same way as in urban areas .
21 This seems unfortunate since pre-emptive rights are particularly needed in relation to those private companies which are essentially incorporated partnerships and it is difficult to see why , here , the Act could not have treated private companies in the same way as public ones .
22 McDonald 's belongs to a federation of companies in the same business and the area man takes it for granted that the firm 's competitors will soon hear about the relaxed consent and apply to the agency for similar leniency .
23 Orcs do n't have kingdoms or countries in the same way as Men do , but there are nevertheless areas where Orcs or Goblins are very definitely in control .
24 Grom can regenerate wounds in the same way as a Troll .
25 Overall teachers rated the ‘ gender dimension ’ of these texts in the same way as myself ; that is as fairly stereotypical .
26 Only a minority of women are in a position where they have control over substantial financial resources ; however , when they do have such control they give money to their children and grandchildren in the same way that men do .
27 To pick out just a few examples : grandparents treat their grandchildren in the same way whether they live in Aberdeen or London ; middle-class people use money to support their close relatives in similar ways whether they live in Swansea , Sheffield or London ; people use their kin network to help them find employment whether they live in Glasgow , Basildon or Corby .
28 They have subject limited statutory duties in the insurance companies act , but the fact they 're subjected to duties in the same way that the underwriters , the underwriters are subject to duties does not make them regulators , but in any event even if we were wrong on that there is no exemption under article eighty five , one for regulators and , and your Lordship has seen a number of cases and I sha n't go back to them is fully subject to the competition rules whether as a regulator or not .
29 And she suddenly realized that Derek Fairfax was one of the few people who would view matters in the same light as her .
30 The stems are roll swaged to the wires in the same way as Flexible Friends .
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