Example sentences of "[noun pl] and for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The IPR 's main objectives are : ( a ) to promote the development of public relations for the benefit of the practice in commerce ; industry , central and local government ; nationalized undertakings ; professional , trade , and voluntary organizations and for the benefit of all practitioners , and others concerned in or with public relations ; ( b ) to encourage and foster the observance of high professional standards by its members and to establish and prescribe such standards ; ( c ) to arrange meetings , discussions , conferences , etc , on matters of common interest , and generally to act as a clearing house for the exchange of ideas on the practice of public relations .
2 Finally , on April 10 it was given out that the government had agreed to the opposition 's main demands for the rapid legalization of political parties and for an amnesty for political activists .
3 Much of the language behaviour of the speakers described in this book can be characterised as code switching between those two systems , but it is also clear that " English " and " Creole " interact at many other levels , both for these speakers and for the community as a whole .
4 Formed in 1848 , the group included artists such as Edward Burne-Jones , Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt — artists with a predilection for brilliant jewel colours , glowing and opalescent , for mythical , religious and literary subjects and for the imagery of love .
5 We return to this issue when we discuss the implications of greater numbers surviving into their eighties and nineties both for the survivors and for the society at large .
6 For six of these ( 24 per cent ) the duration of their last job was less than 12 months and for the group as a whole the average was less than 17 months .
7 We will press for higher EC standards for the keeping of battery hens and for the care of animals in transit .
8 We do not have any neat theory of the atonement , but we know this that on the cross Christ died for our sins and for the atonement of the world .
9 This course is unique in providing vocational training suitable for specialist physical education posts in schools and for a range of professional roles in the leisure industry .
10 They found themselves rubbing shoulders with right-wing MPs , the same who in 1984 organised a million-strong demonstration in support of private schools and for the right of the parents to choose , and who today declare themselves staunch supporters of the state secular education system .
11 These devices are useful for experimenting with different map designs and for the production of ‘ temporary ’ maps .
12 By the early 1970s , it remained true that the Labour Party was identified with the interests of the working classes , with the need for a reduction in class barriers and for the maintenance of the welfare system .
13 Amnesty International appealed on June 11 for an end to the " iniquitous " trials and for the commuting of the death sentences .
14 Of course safeguards are necessary for the environment , for local residents , for local communities and for the right to a decent quality of life , so I warmly welcome the transport and works Bill , which will defend the safeguards but speed up the decision process .
15 There are provisions enabling the contravener to be stripped of the profit made out of the transactions and for the profit to be distributed among the investors .
16 5.133 of the Act makes the licensing board the authority in Scotland for the grant or renewal of bookmakers ' permits , betting agency permits , and betting office licences under the Betting , Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963 , and for the grant , renewal , cancellation , and transfer of licences and for the purposes of Schedule 9 under the Gaming Act 1968 .
17 It was easy now to decide what to do , both for outward appearances and for the comfort of his own spirit .
18 On the anniversary of the murder , the Dixon family have said — for the sake of their parents and for the sake of a civilised society — please help catch the killer .
19 The implications for understanding development as people grow up and become parents and for the delivery of health care are examined .
20 Responsibility for broad planning policies and for the development of both structure and local plans must , however , rest with the county councils .
21 It is aimed at all ages and for every type of cyclist .
22 Last night the Londonbased Society for Black Lawyers called for a public inquiry into the men 's cases and for the dismissal of the officers involved in their arrest .
23 He argued that the time was now ripe for the application of the positivist method to social phenomena and for the establishment of sociology , a term he seems to have invented .
24 For these reasons and for the reasons to be given by my noble and learned friend , Lord Ackner , I would therefore allow this appeal and restore the order of Buckley J.
25 The quality of items is decidedly variable and the author 's aim is clearly not to draw our attention to this , but this is an interesting book both for the illustrations and for the details of the private lives of the collectors featured .
26 Take one tablespoon three times a day for hoarse coughs and for the relief of gastric ulcers .
27 However , the charge is often returned by environmentalists who note how much farmers pride themselves on being ‘ stewards ’ of the English countryside for the benefit of future generations and for the nation at large , but then deny the right of anyone else to have a say in how it should be maintained for them .
28 In August the Slovene delegation to the Skupština launched a strong criticism of the new system , which , it maintained ( EP , 24 August 1987 ) , had ‘ irrefutably shown for a year and a half that it is inefficient , and that the centralization of foreign exchange , the administrative allocation of import entitlements , and priority for the servicing of debts have brought disastrous results for exports and for the inflow of foreign exchange ’ .
29 What is clearly needed now is for rigorous western-style clinical trials to explore the efficacy and safety of formulations of herbs and for the pharmacology of these herbs to be investigated .
30 The monarch thus became formally dependent on Parliament for consent to the raising of taxes and for the passage of legislation .
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