Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Economists , the statistics profession , trade unions and Opposition politicians all pledged support for the idea of a national council which is being promoted by eminent statisticians and considered by the Royal Statistical Society .
32 On May 22-23 a 48-hour general strike , in protest against the recessionary effects of the government 's anti-inflation policies and led by the Central Unica de Trabajadores ( CUT ) , failed to secure wide support .
33 The mortuary was a one-slab affair , intended , I think , for coroners ' cases and situated in the large council car-park next to the public conveniences .
34 This team effort involved all five shifts and cut through the 10-year old manufacturing practices .
35 I look around at the milling people , imagining we 'll be split up into smaller groups and led through the blank doors to sit in armchairs and watch a TV set on some kind of plinth .
36 Defeat for the Welsh All Blacks , particularly at the fortress that is The Gnoll , is a rare occurrence , hated by the players , frowned upon by the coaches and detested by the increasing army of fans who continue to pack the ground .
37 Push halved new potatoes , cut sides down , on to sticks and set on the hot surface .
38 The report considers which level of geographical unit is most suited to analysing regional problems in the Community from the three levels defined in the mid-1970s and subsumed under the French acronym , NUTS levels I , II and III .
39 The savings are taken up by the government in the form of higher taxes and transferred to the redundant workers .
40 In 1974 the structure changed and they were taken from local authorities and amalgamated within the new health authorities — first area , and then later ( 1982 ) district , health authorities .
41 Following the creation of the National Heritage Memorial Fund , several outstanding houses have been saved with their contents and handed to the National Trust .
42 Satellite television stations under the control of press barons and modelled on the tabloid press may make inaction even more indefensible .
43 The committee shared these sentiments and adopted as the major focus for its library proposal the theme " The Challenge of Change " .
44 A day or two later she was to receive another surprise so far as animals were concerned when the ginger kitten , more adventurous than his brothers , found his way into the cabin where the Dalmatian was suckling her pups and joined in the free feast .
45 Indeed , Althusser claims to identify the origins of such an attitude in the law ; he suggests that the ideological notion of the legal subject as the owner of property was taken over by Kant and Descartes and transformed into the philosophical categories of subject and object .
46 The Dutch were probably right , to judge from a handwritten note de Gaulle gave Chancellor Konrad Adenauer at that time : ‘ The supernational organisms of the six , which tend inevitably and abusively to become irresponsible superstates , will be reformed , subordinated to governments and used for the normal tasks of the council and technical business . ’
47 His will be a heavier , larger box weighing 15 to 20 pounds , capable to 4,000 colours and directed at the general commercial technical CAD/CAM marketplaces .
48 The balance sheet at that date will be prepared by the Vendors on a basis consistent with prior years and audited by the existing auditors of ABC , DEF & Co. , Chartered Accountants .
49 The basis of independent and safe personal mobility is best developed in skills established in the pre-school years and fostered in the early years at school .
50 Curtis pulled over , doused the lights and parked on the wide verge next to the break in the barrier .
51 While Iraq demanded the unconditional release of all prisoners-of-war ( PoWs ) and their return to their countries of origin on " humanitarian and legal " grounds , Iran insisted that the issue of prisoner exchange could not be separated from territorial questions and called for the simultaneous withdrawal of Iranian and Iraqi troops from each other 's territory with prisoner exchange .
52 It applies to all those thoughts of the human mind which are real enough to the thinker , but which can not be converted to physical things and detected by the five senses of sight , hearing , touch , taste and smell .
53 The picture wall in his underground burrow seemed to absorb him ; it was a holo of the South Seas , forested hillsides plunging down to warm waters and punctuated by the vivid exclamation marks of birds .
54 This latter option appears to have some attraction for Fforde , for in his conclusion he seems to agree with the Thatcherite premise that pre-1979 Conservatives , by accommodating themselves to collectivist reforms rather than reversing them , abandoned their principles and surrendered to the so-called ‘ ratchet ’ effect of creeping socialism .
55 Laughter rattled the horse brasses and echoed in the warming pans .
56 This policy halted the previously continuous growth of local authority tenancies and contributed to the overall increase in owner occupancy .
57 Delegates also proposed that a president , with ceremonial and executive powers and chosen by the national assembly , should supervise the functions of the Cabinet acting through a prime minister .
58 She walked round the house , planning what she would take : this ornament to be packed in a shoe-box stuffed with wood-shavings and placed in the top drawer of that chest , that cane-chair to be left behind for the benefit of the Colonel 's successor , those curtains to be carefully arranged when the time came , with not more than one fold .
59 But the Tallentires were farmers and used to the physical hardships that go hand-in-hand with life on the land .
60 The design and size of the roof timbers is governed by the Building Regulations and approved by the local authority .
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