Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb -s] [pron] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 She puts her hands on my shoulders and steers me to the chair .
2 Polish Count recovers Leonardo 's ‘ Lady with the Ermine ’ from the Communists and donates it to a foundation
3 This form of prayer , then , gathers up all our experiences and takes them to the King of Kings , and we think about them in his presence — all the hurts , all the joys , all that stops us becoming the kind of persons we feel called to be .
4 The first person puts the banana on their feet and passes it to the next .
5 So , until EMI comes to its senses and restores it to the catalogue , the Nuova Era will have to stand as an adequate , if less than ideal stopgap .
6 He is indeed , as John Taylor has aptly called him , ‘ the go-between God ’ , for he both takes the things of God and makes them real to us on the one hand , and takes our faint longings and prayers and brings them to the Father on the other .
7 The user prepares a document using Berthold fonts and sends it to a bureau for output on an imagesetter which just happens to be running Hell-Xenotron 's Bridgit .
8 He even pursues stragglers and returns them to the nest in his mouth .
9 In the different sense of the priest ‘ representing ’ the people to God in worship the role is more that of an intermediary or go-between — a role more akin to that of a Member of Parliament who understands the needs of his constituents and represents them to the Government in Parliament .
10 The microphone picks up the surrounding sounds and feeds them to the amplifier .
11 Manufacturers and packagers have arranged to pick up transport wrappings from retailers and have set up a parallel waste-collection scheme , called the ‘ Duales System Deutscheland ’ , ( DSD ) which picks up recyclable packaging from households and returns it to the manufacturers .
12 The second person carries the stakes and hands them to the third , unpointed ends first , who then pushes them into the ground and fastens the top line to the net with a half-hitch .
13 London-based Information Dimensions ( UK ) Ltd has announced DocXform , which takes either scanned or word-processed documents and converts them to the Standard Generalised Mark-up Language standard , ready for loading into Information Dimensions ' BasisPlus database .
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