Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb base] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These are connected vertically to the idol along the spinal column , over the chakras and end at the head .
2 As a fellow Chairman of these Tribunals I find myself in general agreement with him , although is until some way is found to eliminate obviously frivolous appeals from the Local Appeal Tribunal 's decisions I doubt the practicality of having appeals to a Tribunal of Commissioners and blanch at the thought of their Lordships of the Court of Session 's comments if asked to deal with some of the material placed before a single Commissioner at present .
3 Glance at the sentences and memorize the next few phrases and look at the audience while you are speaking .
4 The Rev. Goldsmith returned to England in June 1891 , returning to Halling in July to hold meetings and preach at the Church before his return to Australia .
5 Children have to learn that it is easier to start at one end of a line of objects and finish at the other .
6 He collapsed at Debbie 's on Wednesday night , well he fell , bumped his head sort of fall down so the doctor come yesterday , tt , and he had to stop in bed two or three days and go at the doctor 's for ten minute appointment and he bloody test and to see why he 's lost so much weight cos his legs are like that .
7 I am still willing to negotiate and talk to the organisations and look at the sport .
8 Ian , can I ask you to save the questions and respond at the end , otherwise you 'll find the discussion takes much longer , is that alright ?
9 Sometimes I look through the catalogue at the men 's clothes , or wander into shops like Principles and look at the menswear .
10 They survive on amino acids and look at the state of them . ’
11 In1984 he became secretary to the Museum Advisory Board for Scotland , then worked with Robert Anderson , now director of the British Museum , at the National Museums of Scotland before before being put in charge of Museums and Finance at the Office of Arts and Libraries .
12 A shadow fundholding exercise was agreed that would be independently evaluated to assess the effects on the care of patients and look at the administration structures , consulting patterns , and use of doctors ' time .
13 Eight-year-olds call their friends and gather at the courtside to watch my forehand drives flopping limply into the net , time after time .
14 One reason was for communications , but another reason that was rather intriguing to scientists was that they could actually look at stars and look at the space between the stars and use a different region of the spectrum , in particular the radio region .
15 She had washed her hands and face at the pump in front of the inn .
16 They would instantly begin questioning the way the world had been running since their enforced absence , and they would not approve ; whereas those who lay softly beneath the blowing grasses , the quiet slate , had long since turned over in rest and when they woke would wake like children and smile at the sky .
17 If it is easy to despise the cult of Holiday , which even the singer herself seemed to fall victim to at times , one can still listen to these unassuming youthful records and marvel at the serenity of her musicianship .
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