Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb base] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At least now he 's surrounded by people who encourage and inspire him , who kick his arse , help him write songs and drag him out of the isolated , uncreative lethargy he easily slips into .
2 He ordered Rose to take one of Effie 's legs and lift it on to her shoulders , and McAllister the other , to make it easier for him to help the insistent baby on its way .
3 The Sergeants would take us for training sessions and escort us over to our meals , but it was the Corporals who governed our lives .
4 ‘ I thought I 'd shoot a hole in their heads and mail 'em back to their bossman . ’
5 The rise of the Greens had placed the SPD in a difficult position , in that any attempt to capture moderate votes might alienate existing party supporters and drive them over to the Greens .
6 We count the florid banknotes and hand them over across the desk .
7 Bees collect it in great baskets on their thighs and take it back to their hives for immediate consumption or for turning into pollen bread which is an essential food for their developing young .
8 But although she tried to speak , actually tried to form words and force them out of her mouth , no words came .
9 Zoe will continue to monitor the progress of both our psoriasis sufferers over the coming months and keep us up to date with how they 're doing .
10 Similarly , importing a bitmapped graphic in any of the variety of formats DW1.2 supports gives the opportunity to use the very simple tracing tool to trace only selected shapes and pick them out of the bitmap — the second screenshot shows the Windows 3.1 window being picked out of the 3.1 opening logo screen .
11 Once Becky felt sure the ink was dry she closed the books and put them back in her satchel while Charlie prepared to lock up the baker 's shop .
12 Large corporations draw up ground plans for restaurants and reduce everything down to a level of mediocrity .
13 There is still , I am sure , of specific areas and you have to highlight those areas and get them out of the way .
14 When the radiator is empty , undo the other coupling and stuff tissue paper or rag into the radiator inlets , to stop sludge dripping out as you lift the radiator off its brackets and carry it out of the house .
15 He rattled a huge ring of keys and let me out of the cell .
16 I was going to tell her I had taken her keys and let myself back into the house , " he added , " but I arrived too late .
17 B has to try to find the keys and get them out of the circle before being hit by A. If the Keeper hits B s/he wins .
18 Funded by the Londonderry Regeneration Initiative , the task of the project team is to listen to the views of individuals and communities and relay them back to the board .
19 This allows you to conveniently plan your purchases and gives you time to paint the models and try them out on the tabletop before deciding what to add next .
20 This allows you to conveniently plan your purchases and gives you time to paint the models and try them out on the tabletop before deciding what to add next .
21 This allows you to conveniently plan your purchases and gives you time to paint the models and try them out on the tabletop before deciding what to add next .
22 Coins and pots and pans and weapons and tools and horse tack jangled like a demented musical band , and each time someone fell , the clanging beast would sag , then lift the fallen back to their feet and sweep them on into the courtyard .
23 If the gull has the nerve to dive at them , an auntie may even grab it by the feet and pull it down into the water .
24 He had expected to sweep Rachel off her feet and carry her off to New Zealand with him on the next sailing , but he had reckoned without her Jewish father and mother , the new Zionism and Rachel herself .
25 And I used to take 'em round the pubs and put 'em up for raffles for Christmas .
26 Exasperated Pakistani officials have threatened to round up the Arabs and drop them off at the American embassy .
27 Halfway through the night , they decided they needed to know , went out on to the landing , groped around but in desperation had to go back to their room , pee in their shoes and empty them out of the window !
28 Was n't it time to put aside her fears and insecurities and give herself up to the heady delight of love and passion ?
29 But I wanted to be involved with a company who was well into the swing of tube amps and take it on from there , and so I started with Ampeg in 1990 . ’
30 Like tonight , Parents ' Evening , when they had assembled at his behest in the Staff Common Room overlooking the school driveway to watch out for arriving parents and usher them through to the headmaster 's sitting-room , where the first part of the festivities were to take place .
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