Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] they [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The prospects may therefore be good for a long-term strategy which aims at both restricting the scale of most operating units and granting them a reasonable degree of operational autonomy in order to make participative democracy a feasible proposition , while developing further the economies of administration , co-ordination , etc. which are at present realised by large-scale enterprises .
2 Somewhat later came the present owner , John Matta , who now takes great pleasure in greeting Citalia guests and welcomes them on arrival with a gift of the wonderful Chianti Classico from his excellent cellars and offers them a typical Tuscan dinner at a reasonable price , which is taken most weeks in the castle 's impressive banqueting hall .
3 It was the young Scots ' first win in four outings and gave them an outside chance of qualifying for the latter stages of the championship .
4 He treated his established artists as professional associates , entering into legal contracts and paying them a regular income in advance against sales .
5 That was when they all realized acting like this was only playing into the hands of the authorities and giving them a real basis for enforcing their petty laws .
6 LIFESPAN records the fact that this assertion has been made by changing any development versions of modules in a package ( including the package module itself ) to approved versions and giving them a non-development issue number , such as 2.3 from 2.3C .
7 • Take five of PFK 's top writers and give them a nominal £250 to set up a tank .
8 The waiter brought two tall glasses and filled them a good way up with Courvoisier .
9 We are committed to using the resources available to the health service to treat the maximum number of patients and to offer them the highest possible quality of health care .
10 Without all these controls companies will still be making standard phone calls and writing them up afterwards into signed telephone logs and considering them the best records of a transaction .
11 All these factors led the LTC to propose a pilot project to the DES aimed at investigating the feasibility of recruiting unemployed German and French language teachers and offering them a one-term induction course at the LTC prior to their applying for posts to teach in schools in the UK from September 1990 .
12 He sat on it with the two little girls and gave them a big smile .
13 Sinn Fein spokesman Martin McGuinness said the party would discuss the letter from the church leaders and give them a considered response in the near future .
14 But , crucially , Zurich backed up its service by appointing international business managers in all its main markets and giving them the right staff and resources , not least information .
15 I have met women who epitomize the ‘ good mother ’ ; they genuinely love and care for their children and give them a great deal of attention , playing with them and guiding them in a way that most of us feel we can never emulate .
16 So , ideally , we need to forecast changes in demand for personnel , particularly highly trained professional personnel , in order to have time to develop and staff more training institutions — medical schools , professional social work departments and so on — and then to recruit suitable trainees and give them the necessary education and training before we try to implement a major change in policy .
17 However the development , mainly in the voluntary sector , of segregated dementia day centres offers the hope that the needs of the large intermediate group of sufferers and their carers can be looked after in small , local , enthusiastic units , taking pressure away from the " ordinary day centres and day hospitals and allowing them a better mix a Policy Part IV of the Social Work ( Scotland ) Act sets out the provisions for local authority residential care .
18 Stressing ‘ equal opportunities ’ , improving maternity leave , providing career break schemes and condemning sexual harassment are all seen as ways of attracting women and ensuring them a fair deal .
19 Dr Merson called for national programmes to make AIDS prevention ‘ truly sensitive ’ to the needs of women and give them a greater say in the programmes .
20 To make Christmas a truly memorable occasion for you and your guests , I 've taken some of the traditional dishes and given them an exciting twist .
21 It gusted through the council estate they were now in , picking up sweet papers and whisking them a few yards down the street .
22 The key issues for the future of the Association are sustaining the number of voluntary welfare workers and their helpers and giving them the financial and other support they need to deal with both increasing and more complex welfare needs .
23 ONCE the planning is done we must meet with Parish and County Councils and give them a complete briefing — BEFORE we approach residents .
24 Then one day I discovered that he was borrowing them to show off at his dinners and returning them the next morning .
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