Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] them [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The ancient Chinese observed the fighting methods of certain animals and adapted them to form the basis of a martial arts system .
2 Retaining only a dozen men to accompany the vehicles when they entered the grounds , he divided the remainder into two parties and dispatched them to cover the area north of the perimeter fence .
3 For example , when Bernstein showed working-class children a sequence of pictures and asked them to tell the story contained there , they began so to speak from inside it : ‘ he kicks the ball through the window then the woman chases them ’ etc. ( 1971 ) .
4 ‘ You can live quite cheaply in Miami , so once you 're out there on one job , you can contact other UK clients and get them to send the gear over and keep you busy for a few weeks .
5 Her crew were idle so she armed them with brushes and mops and set them to scrub the magnificent monument clean .
6 Supplements therefore are designed to make up the basic food ingredients and balance them to keep the horse healthy .
7 Earlier the prince met top Korean businessmen and urged them to heed the teaching of ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius by balancing economics with the protection of the planet .
8 We got together a jury of 13 good hairdressers and asked them to nominate the hairdresser they most admired .
9 One partial solution to the problem of accounting for intra-regional cross-boundary flows would be to allocate resources to authorities taking no account of the cross-boundary flows and to leave them to take the responsibility of paying for their own residents treated elsewhere … there would be far more flexibility for the Area planners to arrange health care for their population .
10 contacting employers and encouraging them to use the ES to fill their vacancies ;
11 ‘ A scientific truth , ’ he wrote , and one can almost see the tightly pressed lips , hear the snapping of the pencil , ‘ does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light , but rather because its opponents eventually die , and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it . ’
12 ‘ They are saying to the council that they 've got to listen to how their employees and the public feel , and not to impose the cuts of central government on their workers and expect them to carry the consequences . ’
13 Give the customers plenty of opportunity to see you from all angles and let them feel the cloth if they want to .
14 WASL has written to many galleries , gallery co-ordinators and exhibition organisors and invited them to visit the organisation and view the collection .
15 Then he dragged in the two devil dogs and left them guarding the door so Mr Mounsa could n't leave , Liverpool Crown Court was told .
16 The idea that something so apparently soft and harmless has pain-inflicting daggers on the ends of the feet is enough to disturb certain infants and to make them distrust the approaches of all felines .
17 ‘ I contact businesses and invite them to join the trust which costs them £250 .
18 If Nigel was there she gave them blankets and told them to use the sofa .
19 As a functioning mechanism a society must somehow distribute its members in social positions and induce them to perform the duties of these positions .
20 Following the reasoning of Longuet-Higgins and Tyler , we suggest that vertical disparities are best understood as a consequence of perspective viewing from two different vantage points and the results we report here show that the human visual system is able to exploit vertical disparities and use them to scale the perceived depth and size of stereoscopic surfaces , if the field of view is sufficiently large .
21 However , the Guardian of March 26 assessed that the Council 's composition suggested that " [ Gorbachev ] wants to bring on board a variety of different constituencies and force them to toe the line " .
22 The protein eats normal cells , leading to the drastic weight loss which weakens patients and prevents them fighting the disease .
23 At the end there are sequences of free paddling , both at Nottingham and on natural water , allowing the viewers to see practical use of the moves and permitting them to see the film to examine the techniques , the paddling by the six paddlers involved always being very confident and competent .
24 The agency 's own staff gave water and blankets to hunger strikers and let them use the office telephone .
25 Then I will form a call-beam link with its perceptors and use them to locate the opening that you seek ’ .
26 Please give a big build-up to your class members and encourage them to visit the exhibition bringing along families and friends .
27 In an attempt to respond to this need for training , WACC 's Pacific Regional Association has organised and funded four desktop publishing workshops since 1987 specifically to upgrade the skills of Christian communicators in the Pacific islands and help them to use the new technology to maximum effect .
28 Though , you know , there 's a sense in which we can use , we we 're a , we gave it in you to have a certain amount of license , and we can use illustrations just as we would use modern illustrations to describe spiritual truths and to use them to illustrate the gospel .
29 So after that visit to Bristol , when I went to my little chapel on that bald knoll , I first called up the white healing ball and rolled it around every part of my anatomy , then I called up my archers and let them shine the beams of their torches down onto the spot in my lung .
30 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
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