Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [pron] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He painted in various styles and passed them off as originals making a lot of money in the process .
2 He had expected to sweep Rachel off her feet and carry her off to New Zealand with him on the next sailing , but he had reckoned without her Jewish father and mother , the new Zionism and Rachel herself .
3 Exasperated Pakistani officials have threatened to round up the Arabs and drop them off at the American embassy .
4 One federation of vegetable producers packed a small basket with all the Ingredients for a seasonal recipe featuring their own vegetables and sent it off to leading cookery writers on the national and regional dailies .
5 He was determined to get behind the Russians and cut them off from the east .
6 The Everglades kite in Florida picks up snails and carries them off to a feeding perch .
7 The citizens were literally waiting to seize the disembarking troops and bear them off to their homes for lavish entertainment , while singing on the quayside was the ample figure of Perla Siedle Gibson , ‘ The Lady in White ’ .
8 When he had fallen asleep , Aurangzeb quietly chained up his brother in silver fetters and sent him off to Delhi in a covered elephant howdah .
9 It must have been really strange for her , going to a new school all on her own , and a convent school at that , with nuns like great black crows floating down the corridors and carrying her off to chapel .
10 He wrote plays and sent them off to West End managements and kept writing when they were rejected : he did some work as a freelance writer , producer and actor on BBC Radio which had studios in Cardiff .
11 It set off packed from top to bottom with Sheffield area anglers , fishing rods and maggots and dropped you off on the canal at Clayworth where George lived until he died about ten years ago .
12 He only came to the Sahara to get a sun-tan and lose weight , so that he can put on his dark glasses and show himself off in the bars back home . ’
13 So , why not just come quietly over to this cosy coupon in the corner , Fatty-Phil in your details and mail it off to the address at the bottom .
14 Worst of all , some tiles are inaccessible without forming a bridge with others — think on your toes and pair them off in the right order , or it 's back to the beginning .
15 One way of dealing with these problems is to run off a standard pro-forma , to fill in the blank spaces and send them off to parents .
16 During the final days , the occupiers were reported to have rounded up Kuwaiti civilians and carried them off to unknown fates in Iraq .
17 Although he was married to OONAGH , the most beautiful woman to have ever lived , he frequently gave chase to pretty mortal maids and carried them off to his royal chambers .
18 To get into this trade , the Company was reorganized in 1663 and added buying slaves and shipping them off to the sugar islands to its original objectives .
19 They beat him up in the alleyway , tied his hands and led him off to the Marshalsea .
20 Considering this an ideal opportunity to notch up a final few medals for the family collection ( now housed in a vault beneath Windsor Castle ) , it was Cousin Vic 's plan to round up all the Nazi war criminals and march them off to prison .
21 You sit there in the head man 's office , you wave your hands about , your voice goes up and down , you raise your eyebrows and round it off with a quizzical smile and a subtle twist of the head .
22 Princess Marie Louise borrowed the King 's dispatch boxes and sent them off to be copied .
23 Just as the early European explorers of the North Atlantic would bring back the tusks of narwhals and pass them off as the horns of unicorns , so would the early Arabian and Indian sailors bring back the massive bones of the Cassowary as evidence of the giant " roc " of the Sinbad sagas , or the Garuda bird of Hindu mythology , which is today the symbol of Indonesia 's national airline .
24 A substantial number of police came out with truncheons , went into the house and very forcibly removed eight women and drove them off to Risley .
25 He had married her and he was going to stay married , and no nonsense about other women and buying her off with unexpected handouts .
26 Bakufu control over the country was never absolute , but rested on the administration 's ability to hold in check the ambitions of various provincial lords and play them off against each other .
27 He began writing jokes and scripts for TV shows and sending them off to producers and stars .
28 So you can carve up the remains and sell them off to the highest bidders ? ’
29 Gaily selected the tools and took them off down the path to the back-gate .
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