Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [pron] over the " in BNC.

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1 For I remember us doing a flipping er a family came to Wyre once and we were on the same old coble we were er doing the flipping and we thought we had nothing to do but take the rope off their heads and push them over the side of the coble onto the side of the small jetty .
2 The boys stood this for as long as was decent , and then , after a particularly heavy blow to the head , the brothers grabbed the Bosnian refugee by both feet and up-ended him over the sand .
3 Countries near the Rim simply loaded down the books of dead mages with leaden pentalphas and threw them over the Edge .
4 How would we feel if France started putting its criminals in boats and sending them over the Channel to us ?
5 ‘ The other day we saw her grab a girl by the pigtails and throw her over the playground fence ! ’
6 Divide the dough into eight equal portions and place it over the template , cutting round the edges with a sharp knife .
7 He swung her up into his arms and carried her over the threshold into the shadowy interior and beyond to the shuttered darkness of the bedroom .
8 Even when he makes mistakes he does it in a way that still brings results and takes him over the gain line .
9 One by one they came , and we on board Viking found it possible to grab their long shaggy fleeces and hoist them over the gunwale .
10 He poured her a glass of white wine and tonic , plopped in two ice cubes and slid it over the worktop to her .
11 Anyway , after I 'd introduced her to a few different locations and got her over the initial newness of the experience , she seemed perfectly willing to come to me .
12 Filmer , extremely smooth in a dark suit and grey tie , solicitously removed Daffodil 's chinchillas and hung them over the back of her chair .
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