Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He has already had two sessions of surgery at the Royal .
2 Questionnaires were first designed with the assistance of the Equal Opportunities Commission and sent to samples of women and men barristers and Heads of Chambers at the Independent Bar .
3 The organism has very high urease activity and it has been suggested that the production of high concentrations of ammonia at the epithelial surface could cause mucosal damage .
4 The Group retains a strong concern with the traditional macro-economic issues of fiscal and monetary policy , inflation , the exchange rates for sterling , UK trade policy and aggregate employment which its UK model was first designed to elucidate and which are still in certain respects important subjects of controversy at the analytic level ( although there seems to have been some convergence of short-term and even medium-term conditional predictions ) .
5 Gorbachev and Kohl , after talks in Stavropol , reach agreement that a united Germany is free to join whichever bloc it wishes , allowing agreement on external aspects of unification at the third round of two-plus-four talks on July 17 in Paris , which were also attended by the Polish Foreign Minister [ p. 37659 ] .
6 All three performances of Macbeth at the Civic are already sold out .
7 Drying time : wearable within the hour after drying in a warm room — if you do n't mind a few minutes of clamminess at the obvious places where the material is thicker such as the pockets and waistband .
8 The arrival of large groups of people at the same time will always mean pressure on the reception staff , hall porters and other departments .
9 On 31 March 1925 American Columbia used their new equipment to record a most impressive demonstration disc — the Associated Glee Clubs of America at the Metropolitan Opera House .
10 Teclis probes the ancient mysteries of sorcery at the White Tower .
11 The comparatively puny damages of £1,000 ( the cost of a dozen bottles of champagne at the expensive nightclub where the affair had begun ) and the public ridicule suffered by all parties may serve to remind editors of the wisdom of the adage that " dog does not eat dog in Fleet Street " .
12 The problem is one of the continuing dominance of traditional models of assessment at the same time as trying to introduce other models based on quite different educational premises .
13 So that all members of staff get , key elements of communication at the same time .
14 One difficulty those advising the Licensing Authority had to contend with was the ‘ relative lack of data about the efficacy and effects of triazolam at the licensed doses of 0.125 mg and 0.25 mg ’ and at the beginning of the hearing that problem troubled the panel also .
15 Borrowers generally require guaranteed funds for longer periods of time at the lowest possible cost .
16 The country has frozen imports of CFCs at the 1991 level of 15,648 tonnes ; according to the Industry Ministry imports to August this year were in line with last year 's total of 10,044 tonnes .
17 PARENTS of pupils at the Prime Minister 's old school have voted against opting out of local authority control .
18 The elemental functions of intersection are thus reflected up as internal functions of space at the next level , with the result that the required characteristics of the system are specified in more and more detail as the assembly is decomposed into its constituent elements ( see Figure 3.5 ) .
19 The Streamline Graded Readers series has been specially designed to meet the needs of students at the lower levels of language learning and to ensure the ease of reading which will keep students encouraged and motivated .
20 As indicated above , it is important to take into consideration the needs of pupils at the various stages of their development .
21 After several weeks of deadlock at the ninth round of the peace talks , the government and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) signed Protocol Number 3 on March 12 [ for earlier protocols see pp. 38517 ; 38565 ] .
22 Lord Wedgwood and British Consul-General in Holland , Denis Doble , were guests of honour at the official opening ceremony .
23 I am a longstanding member of the BAIE COMMUNICATORS IN BUSINESS ( established in 1949 ) and am a member of its Educational and Professional Development Committee , having , over the last three years , had totally and voluntary responsibility for its seminars in Scotland , in respect of which , on 28th May , I was honoured to receive the BAIE Chairman 's 1992/93 Award and to be one of its guests of honour at the Annual Conference Dinner in Torquay .
24 Do we forget all kinds of knowledge at the same rate or is some knowledge more enduring ?
25 Groups at the lowest level will themselves form constituents of groups at the next level up , and so on through the hierarchy .
26 Denice lets out little yelps of laughter at the occasional humorous moments and squirms and groans during the gory bits .
27 It was low at first , then we could hear it rising until the whole auditorium was engulfed in gales of laughter at the poor preacher who had been duped by the Mau Maus .
28 PARENTS and children would collapse in gales of laughter at the outrageous antics of the schoolboy in the giant chicken costume .
29 Gales of laughter at the very idea .
30 Implicit in these works is the belief that national developments were unproblematically reflected at the local level , that the national was simply an aggregate of the local : ‘ There is a sense in which the achievements and failings of Labourism at the national level are mirrored at the local level , a sense in which constituency Labour parties are a microcosm of the national Labour Party ’ ( Forester 1976 p 71 ) .
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