Example sentences of "[noun pl] begin [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More or less as soon as the subject has settled into Stage 2 sleep , at the beginning of the night , larger slow waves begin to appear in the EEG , whose frequency is less than 2Hz .
2 He pressed in the number , then Bryce 's name , his face bathed in a green glow as first figures then images began to appear on the screen .
3 Anton , the old répétiteur , even older than Busacher , sat down at the piano and the thin embarrassed voices began to tingle into the air , picking up a little courage as they went on .
4 These eyes began to discern in the Bible distinctive themes and emphases which did not harmonise with the official theology .
5 E/3 all-metal cars began to appear on the Thornton Heath route 42 .
6 That figural designs began to occur in the west in any numbers ( i.e. not counting the very early example from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 ) in approximately the same period as a further development of figural design is apparent in the southeast , is an interesting possibility : this may also have been contemporary with the first appearance of fully centralised designs .
7 Shapes began to form as the colours settled into patterns , but the shapes were still indistinct when they started to move violently .
8 One by one some of Europe 's more unfancied golfers began to eat into the U.S. lead , courtesy of some dreadful American blunders on the final hole which brought back memories of the match at Muirfield Village two years before .
9 There were also signs of new industrial developments , for which the theory of classical capitalist political economy had no place ; cartels and trusts began to interfere with the process of unrestricted competition .
10 As concern in Western countries began to focus on the treatment of Tuareg nomads in northern Mali and Niger , the governments of both countries denied reports of massacres or summary executions of " rebels " .
11 Her feet began to move in the fleuret of a minuet .
12 When she was so cold that her bare feet began to stick to the linoleum , she went back to bed and tried to stay awake .
13 The action in London had an immediate effect elsewhere as crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
14 The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
15 The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
16 Some animals feed on living plants ; even if no animals come at first they may come later if plants begin to grow in the microhabitat .
17 Before any fluttering expectations begin to arise in the minds or breasts — I do not mind which it is — of Opposition Members , I should say that I can not advise the House to write the two clauses into the Bill , because they deal , for example , with administrative matters such as a once-off requirement for a report to be made to Parliament — new clause 2 — and the keeping of a custody record — new clause 10 — that should not be set down in primary legislation .
18 Business Technology : Writs begin to fly in the battle of the 32-bits
19 As the storm grows , cracks begin to develop in the stone of the Castle , radiating out from the point where the weather-vane was fixed to the Tower .
20 The age of the organisation : many businesses and other organisations begin to grow through the efforts of a few individuals ( eg. owner-directors , or the founder of a political pressure group ) and tend to be highly centralised ( power culture ) .
21 One by one Europe 's heroes began to climb off the floor and mount a furious offensive which for a time at least threatened to overpower their rivals .
22 It spun and shivered on the air , and the threads and the filaments began to descend on the Court , covering them with the strong powerful magic .
23 The lights came on again , and , laughing and jostling , the guests began to stream towards the door .
24 In terms of market situation Lockwood admitted that the wages of clerical workers began to drop below the average for skilled manual workers from the 1930s onwards .
25 How it was defended by those at the core of the community and how cracks began to appear at the periphery gives Hubauer the material to explore the hypothesis that extrinsic influences are likely to affect allegiances when scientists experience rival theories as incommensurable paradigms .
26 Shortly thereafter cracks began to appear in the house both internally and externally and the purchaser had to have the house underpinned at a cost of £1,444 and had obtained estimates of between £1,500 and 12,000 for repairs to the superstructure .
27 Turkish fortunes began to decline after the raising of the second siege of Vienna ( 1683 ) , and the Treaty of Karlovci ( Carlowitz ) in 1699 recorded the first major Ottoman defeat and the beginning of the slow retreat of the Turks from Europe .
28 AFTER Japanese investment poured into South-East Asia in the late 1980s , observers began to refer to the area as a ‘ yen block ’ .
29 From the mid-1690s , High Anglicans began to rally around the cry of the " Church in Danger " .
30 But he can barely have packed up his easel when terraces of undistinguished late-Victorian houses began to creep up the hill and the border of London shot south .
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