Example sentences of "[noun pl] have been [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 One of the most important finds of late Roman gold and silver coins and objects has been located by a local man , retired gardener Eric Lawes , with a metal detector in a field in Suffolk .
2 Chomsky 's claim that the young child is exposed to degenerate samples of language which distort the relationship between surface forms and meanings has been challenged by a considerable amount of recent research .
3 Thus it is suggested that a hierarchy of social groups has been replaced by a hierarchy of individuals .
4 A CHARITY which takes deprived children on camping trips has been helped by a Middlesbrough hotel .
5 Another very successful collection of my pictures has been made by a lady who is very keen on yellow roses .
6 In the period 1 January 1988 to 30 June 1991 , 2 , 370 in-patient discharges were admitted as emergencies having been assaulted by a cutting or piercing instrument .
7 Mr Abdul Rehman , the local polling agent for Janata Dal , told how his supporters had been attacked by a marauding band of Congress workers , some of them with guns .
8 Forest 's last words had been accompanied by a guffaw , and Edward 's half-formed comment was drowned by the slamming of the door as the grinning man left .
9 An offer last August of 3% for 12 months had been followed by a lengthy period when voluntary severance had been negotiated with the Bank .
10 TAX incentives encouraging businesses to make donations to schools have been condemned by a teachers ' leader .
11 Both offices have been hit by a combination of an increasingly complex type of enquiry and by greater demands on volunteers and salaried staff .
12 The Christie 's pictures have been consigned by a European private foundation which is apparently intending to purchase more works with the proceeds , a surprising reason given the importance of the present group .
13 Even in the one case where independent evidence is claimed in the form of an abnormal enrichment in thin sedimentary layers of iridium and other platinum group metals , namely the much-publicized asteroid impact hypothesis for the end-Cretaceous extinctions ( Alvarez , Alvarez , Asaro & Michel , 1980 ) serious doubts have been raised by a careful analysis of some key palaeontological evidence ( Clemens , Archibald & Hickey , 1981 ) .
14 As in so many countries in Europe , the collapse of the communists has been accompanied by a resurgence of support for the extreme right .
15 Yet clinical ecology has been severely criticised in the High Court and castigated by the Royal College of Physicians and the American College of Physicians ; and the provocation testing used by clinical ecologists has been shown by a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine to be unscientific .
16 The fifth and sixth defendants had been employed by a group of companies of which the plaintiffs were a part in senior positions for short periods before being dismissed .
17 The background to this injunction , as is apparent from its terms , was that the defendants had been ordered by a subpoena duces tecum issued in New York on 24 July 1990 to produce the documents referred to in the injunction .
18 On this point THE HOME SECRETARY said that there was no reliable evidence that the abolition of the death penalty in foreign countries had been followed by a significant increase in the number of murders .
19 When I was told this , I recalled hearing it said , back in the 1930s , that these visits had been observed by a young writer or two who , out of rather callous curiosity , would follow Eliot at a discreet distance , and observe him to turn round , as he approached the door , in order to see whether anybody had been spying on him .
20 The Russian reformers have been supported by a small team of western advisers .
21 The oldest book here is Kennett 's Roman Antiquities published in 1699 and still in perfectly sound condition , though its plates have been removed by a ‘ breaker ’ — someone who removes all the maps and plates from a book , sells the plates , coloured and framed , to interior designers and other such people , and then throws the book away .
22 Up to 73 Yanomami Indians have been killed by a group of garimpeiros , illegal miners who have moved into the Indians ' reserve in the Amazonian forests on the borders of Brazil and Venezuela .
23 A professional cavalier , who enjoyed excelling at the game of soldiering , who gave his orders with the perfect authority of a corps whose drills have been tempered by a score of successful wars , a hundred victories , a million unsung deaths .
24 The mid-1980s has been characterised by a shift in emphasis in the educational debate .
25 A thriving and sometimes illegal trade in wild plants has been uncovered by a survey conducted by TRAFFIC ( Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce ) .
26 Liberia 's needs had been assessed by a visiting UN Disaster Relief Organization team in December .
27 The American position was equivocal : Roosevelt 's anti-colonial sentiments had been offset by a growing awareness of the need to support Western Europe against Communism .
28 Prior to the 1970s , delegates to national conventions had been selected by a mixed system of state conventions , caucus gatherings and primary elections ; under these arrangements nominations remained largely under the control of party leaders with a limited degree of popular participation .
29 In 1860 the collection Essays and Reviews had been published by a group of liberal clergy including Benjamin Jowett , Master of Balliol College , and Frederick Temple , a future Archbishop of Canterbury .
30 In good organic style , the flies have been killed by a parasitic fungus , probably Entomophthora .
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