Example sentences of "[noun pl] have be [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Whether light as well as heat is generated in these reactions has been questioned by some critics .
2 A. otteri has been recorded from both sides of the North Atlantic .
3 This is another attempt to waste parliamentary time — already 280 hours has been wasted in this way in the past two decades . ’
4 The increasing control of TDC by the Texas courts has been referred to several times already .
5 Much detailed information about the vibration frequencies of different electronic states of diatomic molecules and some simple polyatomic molecules has been obtained in this way .
6 But once some set of rules has been established in this way , we might well think it more important that these rules be publicly regarded as settled , so that people can plan accordingly , than that they be the best rules that could have been found ; this provides a reason why courts should leave the rule untouched even when they think the wrong choice was made in the first instance . "
7 The pension offered to widows has been cut in half .
8 Torvale Building Products has been sold to another firm .
9 This intake of children from ethnic minority groups has been associated by some with difficulties within the school , such as ‘ declining standards ’ and ‘ discipline problems ’ .
10 A food co-op which tried to replace the burned-out shops has been closed after several break-ins , and even the drop-in centre is burgled weekly , according to project worker Sheila Auld .
11 A similar effect of DNJ on integrin mediated cell adhesion to collagens has been described for several myoblast cell lines .
12 An offer of thanks has been extended to those who helped to make the event a success .
13 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
14 His pace quickened as the accents changed ; City gents in long black coats and bowlers gave way to professional men in dark suits and trilbies , to be taken over by rough lads in ill-fitting clothes and caps , until Charlie finally arrived in the East End , where even the boaters had been abandoned by those under thirty .
15 Although the wording indicates that this had given rise to " considerable discussion " , implying that these methods had been questioned by some present , and the phrase " it was unwise to make any further interpretation " implies that those methods should not be spelled out too explicitly , the clear conclusion of the conference was that the policy being followed by 5 Corps should be given full backing .
16 Some serious steps had been taken towards that outburst of anticlericalism and , in particular , antipapalism which marked the later fourteenth century : suspicions had been raised about the church 's landed wealth and envy of it had been fanned ; resentment against the papacy — by the clergy as well as by the laity — was growing ; above all parliament was providing an assembly where hostility could be orchestrated , diffused and preserved .
17 Police and army behaviour and tactics had been improved to some extent , especially in appreciating the need for reform policies rather than simple oppression .
18 The voices had been going on all evening .
19 Examination of records available on smoking related activity in the control schools indicated that pupils in half of the schools had been exposed to some incidental and unplanned smoking education through events such as No Smoking Day or through associated teaching in home economics or biology .
20 The units had been used by only half the boards surveyed , area sessions had been attended by less than one-third .
21 ‘ Sheffield ’ type parking stands have been placed at several public cycle parking places in central Edinburgh marked overleaf by .
22 Present day quantitative studies in Lurgan , a small country town south-west of Belfast in the Lagan Valley , confirm the existence of an /a/ system with little backing ( front vowels have been noted in that area even before [ r ] and finally ) , which is quite similar to Patterson 's ( 1860 ) account of Belfast in this respect ( Pitts , 1982 ) .
23 Older fans have been irked by this change of direction .
24 English soccer fans have been charged after more violence at the European Championships .
25 A number of small bronze figurines have been found in several locations in southern Britain .
26 A large number of the old lime trees were felled by the gales in October 1987 , but young limes have been placed in those same positions in order to preserve the avenue .
27 Article 20 of the Brussels Convention provides that where a defendant domiciled in one Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State the court shall stay the proceedings so long as it is not shown that the defendant has been able to receive the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence , or that all necessary steps have been taken to this end .
28 According to the Link 's busy manager Ken Lee , the Woodland Road offices have been contacted by several other business ventures around the which are interested in emulating Darlington 's success .
29 Peel ( 1966 ) considered that these would have taken a long time to form and their unidirectional nature may indicate that the north-east trades have been blowing over this area for a very long time .
30 Bound , hard cover books , laboratory notebooks have been used for some time and have a strong pedigree .
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