Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [v-ing] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Zimbabwe Geological investigations are continuing in the Archaean Midlands Greenstone Belt of Zimbabwe as part of an integrated exploration project in which appropriate methods of regional structural analysis are being introduced as a basis for formulating sound gold exploration strategies and identifying targets for follow-up by the commercial sector.By the end of the second year about 1700 square kilometres ( or 70% ) of the project area has been tectonically mapped at scales of 1:25 000 to 1:50 000 , and selected areas , including over 80 medium-to-small gold mines , have been subjected to detailed structural analysis at survey scales of 1:200 to 1:2500 .
2 What primary activities are happening in the northern part of Brazil .
3 Sales of farm inputs and opportunities for new investment in food processing and related activities are increasing in the poor countries in close relation to the acreage planted to the high-yielding varieties .
4 There will be advice and information on training , career development , and how local authorities are changing in the mixed economy of care .
5 Compared to the experience of hearing music ‘ live ’ even under unfavourable circumstances there is often very little sense that the musicians are pulling in the same direction , or that the music ebbs and flows in a natural , organic or above all believable way .
6 He and ten other penguins are staring in the new batman film , which premieres tonight in London .
7 Eighteen schools are participating in the three performances , and invention from the six gathered in St Edmundsbury Cathedral on Tuesday ranged from dialogue with the odd splash of singing and recorder-music to fully composed masques using all available resources .
8 He deplored the loss of work the machine looms were causing in the small lake towns and consequently ‘ the production of individual misery . ’
9 Thus Communist parties were functioning in the major Latin American countries by 1923 , and had been set up in most others by the end of the decade .
10 The next question to be answered is exactly what details subjects were describing in the different conditions and whether certain specific types of information are related to risk , memory , or both .
11 Interestingly , in a large-scale study of search behaviour just completed ( Hey , 1992/3 ) we found a conclusion remarkably similar to that found in this study : subjects were responding in the wrong direction ( but significantly ) to changes in the riskiness parameter σ .
12 In the meantime , the Dragoons were floundering in the boggy ground , easy targets for the riflemen while finding it impossible to fire with any reasonable accuracy themselves .
13 Piers was standing in the small kitchen , dwarfing it with his presence .
14 miners are working in the same , or similar , highly productive , profitable pits whose management decided to keep working if possible with the use of compliant labour .
15 You will now want to make sure that your feet are landing in the right place .
16 A novice needs a determined approach to learn when big winds are blowing in the high season , but the rewards of perseverance are great .
17 Other international companies are moving in the same direction and many , like ICI and BP , are firmly committed in principle to community regeneration .
18 A number of common guillemots were feeding in the tidal streams which run strongly here .
19 Sheffield Eagles ' fortunes are soaring in the top flight ; the 28-16 win at Wakefield was their third in four matches .
20 They skirted an indoor pool , empty as yet , though a few early arrivals were sitting in the comfortable chairs , enjoying afternoon tea .
21 The score was unchanged and the Yankees were batting in the ninth , and last , inning .
22 Their guests were assembling in the open-air piazza below .
23 Nancy Graves was working in the 1970s on ‘ ocean Floor , Weather , Moon and mars ’ and the ‘ Antartica ’ mapping series ( now in the National Gallery , Washington ) ; Vera Frankel was mapping time in ‘ nap with Gates ’ and ‘ The Knowles Window ’ in 1973 ; 9 Adrian Piper in 1969 had produced booklets of her mapping activities ; Alice Aycock used her master 's thesis 1971 ( researched under Robert Morris ) as the basis of a work about network systems .
24 Unfortunately only interim findings were available at that time and the researchers were careful not to draw conclusions , but there was some evidence that on cost savings the scheme was superior to conventional community care and that strain on carers was decreasing in the experimental group .
25 An unpublished report for the German government obtained by Greenpeace show that levels of heavy metals are rising in the central North Sea area , including the Dogger Bank , a major fishing ground .
26 B. The photographs show what changes are happening in the rurban fringes of the towns and cities .
27 Some of the major questions to be asked are : what changes are occurring in the economic relations with former client states — Cuba , Mongolia and Vietnam — and how far is this affecting the latters ' future economic development ?
28 Benedictine , Trappist and Cistercian monasteries are flourishing in the Young Churches .
29 Already more than 80 Wimpey expatriates are working in the Middle East .
30 If the patient 's well-being is enhanced or if a problem such as asthma is cured , but joint pains flare up or a skin rash develops , the physician can reassure the patient that things are moving in the right direction and that the joint or skin problem should be transient and will also clear up in due course .
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