Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [v-ing] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Could it be that , like me , more and more readers are dreaming of the time when they can either afford to move home or , at the very least , redecorate their existing one ?
2 So if I wrote , ‘ The next day was a Fuesday ’ because I hit the wrong key on the typewriter , they used to leave it in , thinking that was what the kids were saying at the time !
3 Now I I construe that , the way that 's constructed to mean that er when we 're say that the tide had turned against new settlements , as some districts were doing at the time this came out .
4 In many cases it is extremely difficult to carry out tests under truly controlled conditions , because the external conditions are changing throughout the time period in question .
5 Thorndyke took pictures of what the cats were doing at the time they escaped .
6 At the Ryecroft bail hostel in Gloucester , where Hagans was living at the time , another witness said Hagans had tried to sell him a wedding ring for ten pounds , and was wearing a gold chain necklace .
7 But we also , I think , all took the view , because that was what all the signs were showing at the time , that the crunch would come later than it did , and I think that was the perceived view of anybody working in Whitehall at that stage .
8 It was what the Americans would call a ‘ company town ’ , and is worth seeing as an example of what enlightened employers were doing at the time .
9 Although they might have been relatively cheap to build they were expensive to maintain , a point that some experts were putting at the time .
10 Security and crowd control video cameras were recording at the time of Saturday 's attack , but cut out when the fire blew the electricity supply .
11 Gene Miles , who along with Dean Bell , has provided the solidity for Wigan to batter opponents into submission so often this season , explained the significance of the December get-together : ‘ The injuries were clearing at the time of the team meeting and we put everything into winning games around Christmas and New Year .
12 ‘ I got my chemistry degree and like everybody else I applied for whatever jobs were going at the time .
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