Example sentences of "[noun pl] and in a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Used for pelmets and in a finer quality for curtain headings .
2 The initial allocation of system design responsibility was negotiated between the four aircraft companies , Deutsch Aerospace , British Aerospace , Carsa and Allenia and against the background of an M O U which said we must share the technology on this project between the four nations and in a particular way which ensures that each of the nations has got access to all the high technology aspects of the project er therefore the individual companies identified those areas of the project , were they felt they either could lead best or wish to lead and for the United Kingdom British Aerospace erm identified the avionics system integration as the major complex task that they would take responsibility for .
3 The only way now open to the English , in these years deeply involved in war against the Scots and in a domestic situation turning more and more violent , was retaliation .
4 She thrust out her jaw , pursed her lips and in a deep voice said , ‘ Come on old girl , up the golden stairs ; let's hit the hay . ’
5 Hosts : Horses and donkeys Site : Caecum and colon Species : For many years there has been a great deal of confusion in the classification of this group of parasites and in a recent revision it has been proposed that the genus Trichonema be discarded and replaced by four genera , namely Cyathostomum , Cylicocyclus , Cylicodontophorus and Cylicostephanus , these being collectively referred to as cyathostomes .
6 In fact , only a minority of the children were returned to their parents and in a large number of cases suspected abuse was subsequently confirmed .
7 Top scorer Dwight Marshall headed a David Smith cross against the underside of the bar after just 10 minutes and in a late rally Smith was denied on three occasions by the faultless Charlton goalkeeper Bob Bolder .
8 The Commission actively encourages private parties to seek remedies before the national courts and in a recent case the European Court held that the Commission had a duty to assist national courts by making confidential Community documents and witnesses available in national proceedings .
9 In one condition subjects were specifically instructed to engage in verbal rehearsal of these word pairs and in a second condition they were instructed to use visual imagery to relate the two objects .
10 Highly recommended on two TV programmes and in a national newspaper for its comfort , hospitality and excellent food .
11 Lung involvement was suspected on the basis of x ray abnormalities and was confirmed histologically in a surgical biopsy specimen in three cases and in a transbronchial biopsy specimen in one .
12 The two ways of working ( in small groups and in a whole class group ) should never be seen as mutually exclusive .
13 I shall discuss later the theoretical objections to technological determinism ; Goody in any case recognises the dangers and in a later essay himself rejects such determinism , refuting the claims that this is what he was doing .
14 It was noted earlier that Hare in 1969 had noted how geography often endeavours to stay out of phase with the climate of the times and in a later paper ( Hare , 1980 ) he directed attention to whether the planetary environment was fragile or sturdy .
15 each the same sort of components , the same components are each colour say in a red individual they 'd all be pinky red colours and in a blue individual they 'd all be a blue colour
16 y you tend to run short of time so Then Peter stood up with the other eleven apostles and in a loud voice began to speak to the crowd .
17 All filming is produced to high archival standards producing three generations of film of which the archival negative is stored in suitable conditions and in a different building as part of the disaster control measures .
18 However , in the major publicly quoted firms and in a growing number of the smaller firms , there is a high level of understanding and increased professionalism .
19 In Britain the impact of prehistoric man has been considered by physical geographers and in a thematic issue of the Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers devoted to this research ( Curtis and Simmons , 1976 , p. 257 ) it was explained that :
20 However , it is important to observe that in many symphonics and in a good deal of chamber music a different situation prevails .
21 Most gardens only have space for a few trees and in a small plot they are almost always in view , therefore careful choice is essential .
22 Three male and two female volunteers aged 20–43 with no history of gastrointestinal diseases and in a healthy state , were studied .
23 Woods and Rawlings ( 1989 ) also point out that genetic engineering has considerable application in this field by developing improved strains of the relevant bacteria which are more efficient , can operate on a wider variety of substrates and in a wider variety of environmental conditions .
24 I was withdrawing from drugs and in a terrible state .
25 Pale green pipes writhed around the top and bottom of the walls and in a complicated pattern over the ceiling .
26 Both in his contemporary record of those conversations and in a separate note a month later , Wigram wrote that it was Samuel 's clarity of exposition which had convinced the King of the need for a National Government .
27 By northern analysis of poly(A) + F9 EC RNA , the DP-1 transcript was estimated as 2.8 kilobases ( kb ) ( data not shown ) ; it is expressed in many different cell types and in a wide range of tissues during murine embryogenesis ( J.F.P. , P. Tassios and N.B.L.T , manuscript in preparation ) .
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