Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was running on three legs and holding me in the fourth .
2 Had the Presbytery been selecting candidates and foisting them on the DUP , Smyth 's view would be more plausible .
3 Nona stared at the grey river where the wind was picking up little waves and throwing them against the walls of the river walk .
4 We prop the grating open with another branch and spend the next half-hour pulling fallen branches and logs from all over that part of the hill , dragging them into the clump of bushes and throwing them into the shaft ; we snap dead branches off trees and bushes and haul and peel living ones off ; we scrape together armfuls of dry leaf litter and throw those over the edge of the chimney , too ; everything goes under the grating and down into the shaft .
5 They started doing ‘ breakdown ’ [ lifting the boys above their heads and dropping them on the ground ] .
6 He was an inflexible , even fanatical supporter of the ultramontane line taken by Wiseman and Manning and often machinated against the other English bishops , exacerbating disputes and misrepresenting them to the pope .
7 As we go to press , however , LEAs are still drawing up their formulae and submitting them to the DES for approval .
8 ‘ It 's no good ‘ effing and blinding ’ , ’ he remonstrated mildly , holding her firmly by the shoulders and inspecting her with a brilliantly dispassionate gaze .
9 He 'd obviously put his own glass down , because he halted her by grabbing her shoulders and bringing her to a halt .
10 He moved with incredible speed , seizing her by the shoulders and propelling her towards the closed door , a hard violence etching the bones of his face into a mask that would have just done justice to a Viking warrior at his most rapacious .
11 Impatiently he finished the task , ripping the material from his shoulders and tossing it to the floor .
12 I came round the desk then and raised Mrs. Porter by slipping one arm around her shoulders and heaving her into a sitting position .
13 Absolutely , ’ he said , hooking an arm around the man 's shoulders and leading him from the porch .
14 Then he was smiling and laying a soft kiss against her lips before slipping one strong arm around her shoulders and leading her across the beach back to the house .
15 This would involve a small bus ferrying disabled shoppers from their homes and taking them into the heart of the town before returning them direct to their front door .
16 A single simulation is made by generating random numbers from these probability distributions and adding them to the observed geographic coordinates ( defining point , line or area features ) with these random values .
17 Distress is a remedy given by the common law , whereby a party in certain cases is entitled to enforce a right or obtain redress for a wrong in a summary manner , by seizing chattels and retaining them as a pledge until satisfaction is obtained .
18 Some of them aid the deception by raising their tails and wagging them at the approaching attacker , while keeping the rest of the body still .
19 Not only did he own Werner Lines , a worldwide shipping empire with more than vessels in commission , but he had also branched out into the freight industry over the past four years and succeeded in cornering an important section of its competitive market by buying out a succession of small , struggling companies and amalgamating them under an experienced board of directors answerable only to him .
20 Harvey was there in a red-coat uniform , smiling and doing his neat little dances and pretending to drop plates and saving them at the last minute , and the girls were saying ‘ Ooo ’ and slyly studying each other 's hairdos and shoes .
21 ‘ Well … we 're hardly strangers any more , are we ? ’ she demanded , thrusting her hands into her pockets and eyeing him with a trace of annoyance .
22 When I arrived on tie scene there appeared to be hundreds of people there , but a civilian — the works and bricks engineer seemed — to be the boss , and even the station commander was happily taking orders from him about filling sandbags and placing them on the Bund to strengthen it against the rising tide .
23 Instinctively he waved it from his face before getting to his feet and brushing it from the lapels of his overcoat .
24 The latter turned his head as the door shut behind her , coming to his feet and raking her with a glance that was both sharp and insolent .
25 Suddenly the man bent and grabbed the leather thong , swinging the hound off its feet and hurling it against the tree .
26 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
27 The Black Amulet is good for reducing your own wounds and shifting them onto the enemy , pushing up your all important combat result .
28 ‘ I have n't the faintest , ’ said Shirley , taking off her outdoor shoes and putting them on the rack , putting on her indoor slippers , and guiltily , belatedly , bending down to wipe the shoe marks off the linoleum with spit and hanky .
29 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
30 But getting a job after years spent bringing up a family is n't necessarily an end in itself For many women , it 's all part of changing their lives and pointing them in the direction they want to go in-of being in charge of their own destiny .
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