Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tim Parkin , prosecuting , told Durham Crown Court that the child had bruising to both ears and bruising in the shape of a hand on the side of the head .
2 By the mid-1970s the general policy of winning the confidence of the farming organizations and working on the basis of persuasion and advice was being increasingly questioned .
3 Dr Gysi had the advantage of being a completely new face in mainstream East German politics , after previously concentrating on defending dissidents and fighting for the recognition of opposition groups .
4 Almost a year after his ‘ There 's Nothing Like This ’ hit single and reactivated album put him on first-name terms with the British public , Omar Lye-Kook is still based in north London , operating out of his father 's tiny Kongo Dance offices and recording down the road in Willesden .
5 I hissed , closing my eyes and leaning against the lintel of the stable .
6 ‘ What are they ? ’ she asked , screwing up her eyes and reaching into the pocket of her flowery pinafore .
7 On her left was a thin , grey-haired woman with deep lines between her eyes and curving past the sides of her mouth .
8 During his time at the University , when not playing rugby and tennis for Trinity Academicals and acting with the FP Dramatic Society , he had vacation jobs United Wireworks , Symington 's Coffee Essence Company , ICI and British Aluminium .
9 And when I was throwing my rackets and talking to the umpire it was breaking my concentration .
10 The country 's fifth national development plan , covering the period 1986-90 , was making progress at reducing economic dependence on revenues derived from petroleum and natural gas reserves and helping with the creation of new private-sector industries .
11 Now there were people putting hoods or sweaters or newspapers over their heads and running for the entrance .
12 There have also been occasional errors of judgment , regretted by all but recognised to have been caused by the harsh financial climate on the one hand and the immense flood of new books demanding funds and shelving on the other .
13 But Benn took the fight to the Welshman in rounds three to six , brilliantly switching tactics and working to the body with lacerating left and right hooks .
14 As well as fitted storage units , there is a wide range of freestanding furniture , modular units and shelving on the market .
15 The old English folksong demonstrates that they could often be sinister in their intent , waylaying passers-by and snatching at the wind with skinny , white hands :
16 He was speaking during a special service on Tuesday to give thanks and blessing for the life of a hospital , whose hallmark has been the ‘ quality of its service . ’
17 The afternoon was spent in Winchester wandering around the shops and going to the cathedral .
18 During community involvement students are expected to exhibit a high degree of interpersonal skills in initiating and sustaining working relationships and responding to the needs of others .
19 The mania for forming industry consortia is getting so out of hand that a group of leading manufacturers , software developers and vendors are coming together to make some sense of it and eliminate duplicated effort by creating a single consortium to which everyone will be invited to belong : there is no confirmation of suggestions that the idea was the first initiative from new IBM Corp chief Louis Gerstner , who accedes to the top job today , but we hear that the army of companies is still bogged down arguing about what to call the thing — the best they 've dreamed up so far is the Consortium for Object-oriented Methods and Programming for the Unix Terminal and Enterprise-wide Recasting of Interactive Networked Database Undertakings with Software Transitioning and Revision for Y'all , but they ca n't find a snappy acronym to fit the words .
20 But it was easier to believe in the impossible when you were tucked up in bed and half-asleep , than when you were walking the wet , comfortless streets , and the bloke you loved was on a bus going in the opposite direction , staring hopelessly out of the window , and wondering how on earth he was ever going to marry you , with no savings and going into the Army next week and a widowed mother who imagined herself an invalid and hated you for taking away her son .
21 These days whenever I visited , the sons vacated this house , rolling up their palliasses and sleeping in the family majlis .
22 Placing the night-light against the wall she sat down on the top stair , humping the eiderdown high over her shoulders and gazing into the darkness .
23 He danced with his stick , planting it firmly on the ground and shuffling round and round it , hunching his shoulders and swaying in the gaslight like a man possessed .
24 All of us , during the time that we have been directly engaged in these matters , have found it easier to make progress when the media have not been looking over our shoulders and breathing on the backs of our necks .
25 Then he was back , sliding his arm nonchalantly round Tug 's shoulders and smiling into the evening light .
26 The main town in the area is Tatranská Lomnica — a good centre for skiing in the winter months and walking throughout the year .
27 Andrew Beattie knew some of them personally and was drawn into the work of finding new homes and dealing with the problems of the young , sick and old .
28 That evening is I crouched at the back of the slit trench , swatting the mauses and listening to the sound of shells passing over and the rain dripping steadily in through the entrance to the trench , I stared at the pool of water getting larger and hoped that the rain would soon stop , if it does n't I 'm in for an uncomfortable night .
29 He also knew how to live well by dining at expensive restaurants and going to the theatre , and as the Heritage Secretary he had invaluable contacts in the acting world .
30 The carers then place one shoulder under the patient 's shoulder nearest to them ; they clasp their other hand to each other 's wrist under the patient 's thighs , balance on their free arms , and lever the patient upwards or downwards in the bed by bending their knees and leaning towards the direction of the movement .
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